Audioquest DBS vs Synergistic Research Tesla?

I'm looking to buy a good cable between my tube amp (ASL Hurricane) and speakers (Duntech Sovereign). I have a biamped system and the main use would be only for the highs.

I think that this two brands have a very similar approach in shielding and metal conductors. As I cannot heard this cables, I want to know if do you think that there is a clear winner between both brands?

Showing 2 responses by shellie

I once heard the following analogy.

"If Synergistic's Active Sheilding is the turbo charger to a cables performance, then Audioquest's DBS System is the hood scoop".

I'd say that pretty much sums up the difference. Active Sheilding is the more powerfull technology. It's contribution is significant with better balance for a more natural and dynamic presentation. They are also more holographic.

If you can do a side by side compairson you'll hear what I mean.
When is a hood scoop ever better than a turbo charger? (This is not a trick question). SR's Active Shielding is the turbo charger while AQ's DBS is the hood scoop; be it interconnect or speaker cable, SR's Active Sheilding is the more powerfull technology and the better cable. Listen to both at home and you be the judge.