Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Hi Gammajo,

My CD-5s is a demo one so it should be already broken-in. Last night I let it run for whole night until this morning. It is such an amazing machine. I know my upgraded Resolution Audio CD-55 is not the very top performer but the additional details and the neutral sound CD-5s produces just surprise me. Resolution Audio CD-55 has very good reputation, let alone mine is a fully upgraded one. Yet Ayon CD-5s leads me into the very core of music. I audited compatible Esoteric and Burmester players but Ayon CD-5s is my personal favorite. It is just like Leipzig Gewanhaus Orchestra, natural and neutral. For my personal taste, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is slightly sweet and Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra is marginally overtness. I have luck to listen to all 3 of them live numerous times. If you also a classical music fan, you would understand what I try to express here.

All in all, I am happy that I join this club.

@ Yu11375, Hi, What esoteric players did you audition?, The K series is said to be some of the best available in digital!, Have you listened to a fully broken in K-01 or k-03?,, cheers!
I'm not selling my ayon. It's going to the grave with me. It's a great CD player and source
Yull I am glad that you are pleased with the CD5s. It will only get better - many of its best attributes are very subtle and heard when you do switch back and forth between live classical concerts and great recordings. Sounds like you have excellent reference points.

I have to be careful as I am talking to a lawyer now.

The Esoteric player I audited was K-03. It was paired with Wavestream V-8 Monoblocks and Voce V-1 speakers. The sound was wonderful and truthful. There isn't any flaw in that combination. The element I prefer Ayon CD-5s is the longer sound decay length or so called "airy". Ayon CD-5s sustains the sound longer. For me that’s much closer to rear-row-seated live concert experiences.

When Furtwangler was asked what element is the most critical factor of music recreation, his answer was "Sound", not tempo controlling nor phrase shaping. To me, it is the very truth of music listening as well. I ask myself to attend live performance at least once every month and listen to live piano playing every single day for at least one hour so my reference points are live music. ? That’s also the reason I use orchestras as expressions to describe my personal preference instead of words. It gives people more understanding what my desired sound should be.

Now the question is what kind of sound you favor?

Happy Listening!
