Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
I've had Ayon Audio products in my system since 2009 and couldn't of been happier. I owned the Triton I, II and now the III. Whenever I've had issues with tube failure or the first Triton remote, USA Tube Audio always took care of me. It says made in Austria on the back of each Triton integrated amp I've owned.
@Mikeg. Maybe my measly 4 grand has me sitting in coach with certain people. Hey, customer service 101. First time customers should be made happy. I got laughed at and jokes my way. I really don't want to elaborate because somebody will get this thread deleted.
@Mikeg. Maybe my measly 4 grand has me sitting in coach with certain people. Hey, customer service 101. First time customers should be made happy. I got laughed at and jokes my way. I really don't want to elaborate because somebody will get this thread deleted. Well I wish people would take care of me like that. I guess I'm not important enough.
@Mike, the original Ayon Triton just had "Ayon - Austria", and I believe the latest Triton 3 has the same label. Even so, to be able to say "Made in Austria" may only require a small percentage of parts made in China to be assembled in Austria to quality. In the case of Ayon, I would take that label with a grain of salt.