B&W N802, Theta CB3, DN2

I'm looking for speaker system for my home theater. I'm current using Theta Casablanca III and Dreadnaught II. I'm interest in B&W N802,HTM1,and DS8S surround. Does anyone know if this is a good match for the Theta gear? also how good it sound with Theta gear?

Thanks for all of your input....
Ericngo1, don't pay much attention to certain retailers recommending their own products in these threads. Your interest is not their primary concern.
Good luck
I had the 802's and got rid of them in favor of Vandersteen. You must check Vandees out - they are very cost effective and make wonderful sound. I have the 5A's, but their less expensive Quatro is a killer.
i recently updated my CB II to a III with an extreme DAC. I was planning on upgrading my speakers but find it no longer necessary. I use aerial acoustic 10T and CC5 and SW12. The sound is supurb. I had been planning on getting the 20T but frankly it doesn't seem necessary. The aerials are a perfect match for Theta. BTW, I have a Dread II as well and biamp the CC5. I went with monoblocks for the 10T. You can pick up 10T for a steal on agon.Good luck.ken