B&W N802, Theta CB3, DN2

I'm looking for speaker system for my home theater. I'm current using Theta Casablanca III and Dreadnaught II. I'm interest in B&W N802,HTM1,and DS8S surround. Does anyone know if this is a good match for the Theta gear? also how good it sound with Theta gear?

Thanks for all of your input....
You can do far better, with another speaker system that I know of which I just heard at CEDIA, Is this a dedicated home theater or a music and theater.
Ericngo1, don't pay much attention to certain retailers recommending their own products in these threads. Your interest is not their primary concern.
Good luck
I had the 802's and got rid of them in favor of Vandersteen. You must check Vandees out - they are very cost effective and make wonderful sound. I have the 5A's, but their less expensive Quatro is a killer.