Baseline hearing tests

What good are Pipedreams,Wilsons,Genesis,horns,et al,if one is half-deaf?And then posting your half,quarter, deaf opinions/thoughts on a system or product here on the good old Gon?Is there some way we can all start from a reference point so we know how to read into his or her posts?Somebody stop me so I can slip back into my coma,thanks and sorry to waste your time my friends,Bob

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

Seriously, much like color perception, everyone's frequency sensitivity is slightly different, but it really isn't that important. The ear feeds data to the brain and the brain can compensate for all but the most gross physical deficiencies. More important than strictly linear hearing response is our ability to comprehend harmonic information (the difference between tones) which is primarily a brain function. It also helps that with the exception of some percussion instruments, I don't think any instruments produce fundamental tones above 8kHz.