Bass leaves after amp warms up?

I don't understand-after my Musical Fidelity M6i amp warms up for about an hour I notice the deep bass & kick drum aren't the same.
They sound less musical with loss of weight/depth.The notes are there but the moving of air have left.Sound is has much less impact and boreing.
I had the same problem with Bryston amp so there is no defect with amps nor with the rest of my equipment/
PSB Synchrony one speakers,AQ cables,Bryston CD Player.
My question has anyone heard similar & is there a plausable reason?

Showing 5 responses by tboooe

Well done Fishing716. I own the Power1 mk2 and absolutely love it's clarity. I have no complaints other than the cramped quarters in the back. I would love to hear your thoughts once you get it. By the way, I had to burn in my unit for around 50 hours before I got good bass.
Btw, my previous integrated was the MF M6i! I didn't have the bass issues you mentioned. In fact, I thought the M6i was very good. I think it sounds a bit more organic than the Accustic Arts, doing a better job with stringed instruments.
Looking forward to your thoughts on the AA Fishing716. I have the MK2 version and love it! My AA had terrible bass when I first got it. It was so bad that I even checked to make sure I didnt reverse the polarity of my speaker cables. After about 50 hours the bass came alive. Now, I think this integrated sounds so great with my SF Auditors. Vocals are tremendous.
Glad you like the Power 1. I really like mine as well. I may consider getting the MK 3 some day for its headphone amp capability. Have you had a chance to try it out yet?
06-28-13: Mapman
...but gotta wonder what the original MF amp would sound like now.....
Mapman (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Agreed...I think the MF M6i is a GREAT int amp. Definitely a bit more organic sounding than my Accustic Arts which is more dynamic, quick, and clear.