Battle of the "Davids"......Belles vs. Berning

OK, it's a cold, rainy Sunday am in Chicago - a great day to listen to music. After the provocative thread on "Tenor vs, Berning" that got a little side-tracked, I thought I'd narrow the scope. I have been fortunate to audition both the Belles 350a ss amp ($3,500) and the Berning ZH-270 ($4,500)in the past two weeks. The common theme is that these two amps come from, in essence, "one man shops" and seem to eschew mainstream "hi-end" retail. Both amps are widely recognized as providing huge "bang-for-the-buck" and might cost substantially more if their logos were different.

This would seem to be a real world comparison of two "Davids" that may be able to bring down Goliath - whoever that may be. What do you think?

Showing 1 response by harleyhawk

I own both the OCM 200 (2 from Jayarr) and the 350A.
The 200 is raw compared to the 350A ... 2 OCM 200s bridged were more powerful but lack the grace and open, airy sound of the 350A.
As to the Berning, I cannot say...

What are you driving? David has modified the 350A to be a 800 watt monobloc that kicks! if you need the power.