Behringer SRC 2496 DAC

Anyone out there have any experience with this DAC? What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster

Showing 1 response by honest1

I haven't tried the DAC, but own the DEQ2496, and find it very transparent. Set flat, I find I have to listen fairly closely to tell if it is in the system or not, even tho I have a fairly high resoution system (GNSC modded Wadia 850, Atmasphere MA1 amps, Talon Hawk loudspeakers, and Ented LF20 subwoofers.) I recently had a $5000 pre-amp from a very highly respected manufacturer in my system, and found it to be much more colored / veiled sounding thatn the Behringher. Also, I was running the DEQ with analogue inputs, so was going through the a-d AND the d-a converters. I want to try it as a stand-alone DAC w/ its digital inouts at some point, but lately I've been enjoying listening to music, and haven't been in the mood to listen to components.