Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
Scintilla. I ran the H2o both ways, direct from my Capitole, then at the end with a TAD 150 Signature. Really could not detect much of a difference as the Capitole is designed to run amps direct with a little over 4.5 volts out, so in a sense, it has it's own built-in preamp section.

I have rarely heard other Capitole owners (or reviewers) say that they preferred the sound of the Capitole with a preamp.

Based on my own personal experience, it seems like you would have to compare the Signature version of the H2o to come close to the sound of the NuForce. BTW Scintilla, have you actually even heard the NuForces?

I strongly disagree. In my system I MUCH prefer the Capitole run through BAT VK-51SE preamp than direct to my Lamms. It sounds so much better this way.

On the other hand, BAT is $9000, add to that another pair of ICs and a power cord, and we are talking about $12.000+ upgrade. From that point of view, it is hardly a sensible choice - you may probably get better resoults by spending that extra 12 grand on the rest of your system.
Hi Denf,
Thanks for the info. As for being able to swing 4.5V does mean much if it couldn't provide the current. Please don't get me wrong. Like I said every system and what a particular listener considered as GREAT, is different from system to system. And a prime example of that is exactly what Elberoth2 just said which is completely opposite to your belief.

Yes, I have heard the Nuforce 9.02. To my ears, it does not have to even take the H2O stereo signature to compete with the Nuforce. The Standard stereo H2O will be fine, in a right system of course. As for comparing to H2O signature series, both stereo, and specially the H2O mono Signature, will leave the Nuforce behind. Having just said that, Then again, as you noticed, there is a gentleman woodburger preferred his Nuforce over the H2O stereo Signature.
Both points well taken guys. Yes, it ultimately comes down to system synergy and personal preference, not to mention finances.

Scintilla, you have piqued my curiosity on the H2o's again. As Henry Ho is a such a great guy to deal with, I might try the Sigature version and do my own comparo. I am honestly so blown away by the NuForce's in my system that I just can't imagine how it could be improved, but...

That's what these forums are all about -- you gotta love it!
This is all very interesting. Being Henry's biggest, and longest fan, I use to
meet dislike of his products with incredulity. Since, I have become
completely aware the H2O is system dependent.

In my system review here, I make note the H2O will not likely give most the
performance I am enjoying, It just isn't the kind of amp that can be plunked
down into any system, and perform it's best.

Case in point: A fellow I know tried an H2O with his battery preamp system,
and predictably didn't like it. He preferred his PS Audio's tizzy highs. You
won't find many audiophiles that like the early PS Audio amp highs, but in his
system, it was his preference.

There isn't one amp, or system, that will push everyone's buttons.

My audio preference leans to brutal reality. I don't want the signal "
improved." I can hear coloration, random capacitance, tube warmth,
solid state brightness, and Krell like iron fist control. I don't like any of it.

Give me, as much as possible, the unadulterated free flowing music off the
disc. That is my desire.