Best amp for Sonus Faber Cremona M - need help

Almost convinced that the new Cremona M will become my next speakers. But, I'm not sure about the amplifier. I have the possibility to buy an 8 year old Classé pre/power combo (CP-45 + CA200), but could also get a new Krell KAV400xi cheap. Or would the Audia Flight One integrated amp match well with the Sonus Fabers? First two amps are 200 Watts/ 8 Ohm, the Audia 100 / 8 Ohm.
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot for the link. I didn't know Mystère until now. I must get a taste of it next time when I'm in Antwerp, I've seen the Technology Factory has it in its product range, couldn't be better! I can't wait to compare the IA21 with the similarly priced Unison S2K that I use myself!
You're welcome. It really is something else. And I know for a fact (since I e-mailed with Herman, the man behind it) that they will bring out models with remote control, prob. next year. So, maybe I should wait until then...
Hi Hulskof,
Another good amplifier you could consider is Karan KA I 180. From what I’ve read it matches well with Sonus Faber.

I have never touched the pre but the amp definitely gets very hot. Not a biggie in Europe though as its still bloody cold in Switzerland :-)

The thing I was talking about was my audio consultant. He is a genius in 2CH and MCH and perhaps the only thing related to this hobby that I will never change. He told me that there were couple of other dealers like him in Europe as well who does not just sell stuff but actually set it for their customers. If you are interested than let me know and I will see with him if something can be arranged.

IME I could not have brought my system to the level he has brought it to.
I was recently at my dealers a few weeks ago and he had the Pathos Logos Integrated amp (220 watts into 4 ohms) on the Cremona M's. The sound was incredible, very transparent, resolving, dynamic, open and with a lot of punch. But the key to this was swapping out the tubes in the preamp stage of the integrated to the Ei Elite 6DJ8EG gold pins. WOW what a night and day difference from the stock tubes you would think that it was a completly differnt integrated. PATHOS LOGOS VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ON THESE SPEAKERS.