Best Amplifier at $3000 for PSB or VA


I am unable to audition across brands especially on the combinations I would like:
Speakers are going to be either PSB Synch One or Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand (4 Ohm / 300 watts). I like a very highly defined sound, and very detailed delivery.

I am thinking of Krell s300i, Cambridge Audio 851 Azur.

I would like any feedback, suggestions or options for me to check out. I cant auditon a krell with a PSB or VA so I need to live off good advice.

p.s. I dont know if this is universal, but you cant seem to find the Krell s300i in the market these days. . . some China production issues. . . (by the way I am based in Singapore)
Get the PSB and don't get a Cambridge get the Krell for CD players look for a Music Hall or similar CD player.
May have to look used, but Ayre matches well with both - demo'd both and purchased the PSB Sync 1s. Great sound and for me more forgiving to room setup/config then Vandersteen (also demo'd 2CEsigll). Good luck and enjoy!
Thanks for the inputs. Will wait till the Krell appears on the market. . . (not sure why there is such an issue with their supply). Will check out the Ayre too.
Kelpie -

you will have several wonderful choices;
Rogue Audio

At one time or another, I have spent much demo time w/ the above amp selections and VA speakers!
You might be surprised how much the new Van Alstine Synergy 450 will do, check the review on" Enjoy the Music".
Caused me to buy one, the review is spot on ! Has the death grip bass of the Krell
but more tuneful in that area.On my Kef 104/2's sounds better than Krell or Bryston both of which I have driven them with.
I think one of the best values for an amp for the VA's(VA's i think sound quite different than the PSB's)is the Belles Reference. I use model '150A Reference V2'. For about 2k new and less used I would highly reccomend it. Have fun
Thanks for the various options, the Bryston is much more expensive than the Krell here in Singapore. Its funny how different (higher, very higher, ridiculously higher) prices are in this part of the world as compared to the US.

I am changing the subject a little as I see a good mix of PSB and VA supporters. I have heard them both, unfortunately for various reasons could not differentiate too much as the amplifier configurations were different. The reviews on the VA are pretty weak and teh Stereophile measurement test is quite bearish. . . is there really a problem in pushing the VA to play loud? Would I have issues if I cranked up the volume on Pink Floyd's "Sorrow" or Metallica's "Enter Sandman"?
The other music I listen to a lot is female vocals like Rebecca Pidgeon, Chie Ayoda, Sara K. . . and they sound wonderful on VA as well as the PSB. I want the versatility to be able to handle both extremes. . .

VA or PSB for versatility?

(Honestly if the PSB looked as good as the VA, I would have just bought it!!!!!):) can a man ignore good looks?