Best CD transport?

I recently bought the new Rotel DAC for my Mac Mini based digital music system. And boy is it good. With Amarra fronting iTunes, I've never heard such good digital. But ripping my CDs to the Mini is getting tiresome. What current CD player would make a good transport for the Rotel DAC? I was thinking that I would just get the Oppo 105 and call it good but that seems to be somewhat repetitive. And of course I would be tempted to A/B the two DACs instead of enjoying music which I've been doing a lot of lately. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by zd542

I have no idea how good they are but I was thinking that a CD player for professional use may have good transports in them. Something like a radio station may use, or something similar. Places like Guitar Center have good return policies. It may be worth looking into.