Best DAC for MacMini Under $1000

Currently I'm running my MacMini through a Musical Fidelity vLink and vDac - which has huge presence but also in your face harshness. I've also run MacMini via vLink to my Cambrige Audio player (with upsampling) which is like listening with a pillow over your head.

And finally, I'm running the MacMini via home network through a Bel Canto integrated with built it dac which sounds incredible, smooth, detailed, and full body to boot.

Looking for ideas on stand alone Dac $1000 or less to run between MacMini, Belles preamp and Martin Logans.


Showing 1 response by soix

I had a chance to try a DAC3VB in my system a while back and I also thought it sounded fantastic. Since you like the sound of the DAC in your integrated so much maybe it's worth saving up for a bit for something like a used DAC3 (although I guess you'd also need a USB/SPDIF converter too if you don't have one)? That's what I'm doing anyway.

Short of that maybe something like a Metrum Octave or a Wavelength Proton? Best of luck.