Best digital converter $5k under

I have gone on a hunt listening to different setups and by far
The most balanced and , Hi tech,parts build is the Auralic Vega dac
It does everything including DSD,since i had the Bryston dac-1 i listened
To the new dac -2 my friends own both dacs Including the Berkeleydac-2
This dac was developed from several Swiss firms and Taiwan,Hong kong.
The clock is the lowest jitter I have ever seen listed under$10k
It is as good or better sounding then anything Under $8k IMO. It has a very natural warm balance, superb imaging and micro dynamics and excellent sound staging.even my vinyl friends were very impressed and for under $3500 it is a no friend bought it after seeing a review in Computer Audiophile. I am for sure buying one this your homework
And build quality is as good or better then Anything out there even in the $10k range,that is saying a lot !!

Showing 12 responses by audioman58

The Ayon dac is a different dac altogether and doesnot do dsd
And is in some respects more analog then the many dacs out there.
I have learned as I have gone through several systems in the last few years
A dac in one system may be to thin ,or rich in another.for the Money
I was stating the Mytek is a great value for the money,not the best,
But in my setup very good.
P.s The Ayon has had so many problems I sold that dac,not recommemded
And their customer service stinks,my unit sat for 3 plus months before they fixed it.i spoke with a few repair centers,even $30k amps .
If you buy Ayon a lot of ??
The auralic I used from a friend is a bit more refined but the midbass low bass i like better with the Mytek,imo, the Diamond firewire is for sure the
Most analog natural especially coming from the Auralitti player.
Actually there are 2 new DSD dacs that are sure top of the line
The Luxman 06 dac, the Luxman warm and detail very musical for under $5k k.
And pppthe Latest DSD dac from Audio Horizons
Full vacuum tube regulated all hand built for $5k from an expert in the field
The Luxman is solid state, and the Audio Horizons is Vacuum tube.
Hello Chayro, I donot have a business since 06in the U.K
But everything I recommend is a solid product. I bought several dacs in a 2 year period as technology gets better I say it as I see it.if you read some of my other posts the Skylla sounded excellent but design flaws it broke down several times and tube U.S.A the distributor is Horrible took them months to order from Austria Ayon is excellent. Here the distributor undercuts all it's dealers Paul is a salesman ,after sales Sucks.
Even the techs agreed they soursed the dacs after 2 months sitting.
That is the Ayon story,I would never buy Ayon again,sad but true.
Their amp Spirit3 great amp ,
I wanted to add to the Auralic Vega comparison ,the previous was was a$150 digital coaxial cable. Also I was told it only had 100 hours on it .
Two weeks later with 300 hours on it and Wireworld Silver starlight
Asynchronus USB totally different ball game the Mytek got blown away
In every possible way. I was told speaking via email that 300 hours is needed for complete runin ,and only USB is recommended,for dsd
Can only be run through usb, for the record what a difference
A couple weeks can make. The reviews were pretty much spot on.
It sounded great on all music never thin ,very good balance.
I would say a great buy even at $5k.
Hello Wisnon Do you gave to have 2 seperate dacs ?
Or does the dsd version do everything ? And how much $$
I have heard a last years model very nice ,very musical products the Lamps are.
I am told the eXasound dac with 82 FS upgrade is only $100 or so on
Only Mk-3 units ordered at time of build, also optionallinear powersupply
Is well worth the $400 better everythjng due to the much better control.
I just bought a linear supply from Auraliti on their pk-90 player
Used a friends Nuforce supply makes a nice improvement
Auraliti now has their own better unit ,I am awaiting on delivery.
This may be a great option to the Vega dac for similar moneys with the options,and very similar to the Meitner MA-1 for a lot less money .
The eXasound totally destroyed any chance I will buy it .i feel with the separate hard drive U.SB cables,and a good player it sounds great ,and no noise from relays, or power supply's .the eXasound only works with a windows based computer very limited.
He Vega dac is far more versatile in that price group.
For my taste I finally broke town and bought the Luxman DA-06dac
I could not be improve it even more so change the stock fuses,
And the New Wireworlds series 7 Silver Electra PC is excellent the closest competition was the MSB analog dac,for my taste with the added extra$3k power supply the MasB was a bit better detailed, but with stock power supply I liked the fuller Bass,
And layering of the Luxman YG Carmel's are very neutral
And this is where the luxman shines ,very natural full sound with a very expansive soundstage ,excellent detail, and depth of soundstage .
I got a very fair deal after speaking with Paul at a Goodwins hiend.
The only thing bad about the exa sound dac is if you have a external drive ,and a digital player like the Auraliti, or Bryston bdp it will not work
It has to be connected to a laptop,or standard computer what a shame for
I almost took the plunge .
I just sold the Luxman after hearing the Wyred4 sound dsd-SE dac
I used to do a lot of modding with pre amplifiers, and loudspeakers
And know parts quality especially much tighter specked items count even more so in digital. The list of parts in the SE I have not seen bettered in anything even at $10 k . The only thing I truly wanted for I was comparing
This with the Auralic Vega the parts are actually better in the SE dac
Except for the clock they use a Femto clock .since I bought this dac I have been asking them for an upgrade,they said they have to redesign the board
,so what Do It I say ,it sounds great after 125 hours any brightness is gone
Now I am working on the to get 300 hours I give digital two full weeks
To fully refine. It is very good already and a step up from the well reviewed a Luxman the a Luxman was warmer more lush but lacked the detail
I had the nad51 the Meitner Ma-1 I had and was a bit more refined
Meaning slightly smoother detail very close since my revels are warmer sounding the wyred may be a better fit.f anyone wants a listen
To either the revel208 speakers, Krell 550 integrated, or wyred SE dac
Let me know .
I just sold the Luxman after hearing the Wyred4 sound dsd-SE dac
I used to do a lot of modding with pre amplifiers, and loudspeakers
And know parts quality especially much tighter specked items count even more so in digital. The list of parts in the SE I have not seen bettered in anything even at $10 k . The only thing I truly wanted for I was comparing
This with the Auralic Vega the parts are actually better in the SE dac
Except for the clock they use a Femto clock .since I bought this dac I have been asking them for an upgrade,they said they have to redesign the board
,so what Do It I say ,it sounds great after 125 hours any brightness is gone
Now I am working on the to get 300 hours I give digital two full weeks
To fully refine. It is very good already and a step up from the well reviewed a Luxman the a Luxman was warmer more lush but lacked the detail
I had the nad51 the Meitner Ma-1 I had and was a bit more refined
Meaning slightly smoother detail very close since my revels are warmer sounding the wyred may be a better fit.f anyone wants a listen
To either the revel208 speakers, Krell 550 integrated, or wyred SE dac
Let me know .i am in Ma,near worcester.- New England .