Best lines in a song

There has been a long-running thread here of 'Best quotes' but maybe it would be interesting to find out folks' favorite lines from songs. To keep it on some sort of track, let's have a few ground rules.

- Attribution is required, who sang it (or wrote it) and where can we hear it?
- Shorter is better, four lines maximum, a verse. These should be words of wisdom that can be summoned for inspiration in social emergencies.
- If you're an opera fan, you're welcome to post in Italian, just don't expect many high fives from the monolingual among us.

I'll throw out a couple for starters:

When you're rockin' and a rollin' you can't hear your momma call.
Little Richard - Good Golly, Miss Molly

All I want in this life of mine is some good clean fun.
All I want in this life and time is some hit and run.
Little Feat - Fat Man in the Bathtub
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Showing 6 responses by mapman

"Never Blame the Rainbow for the Rain"

From "Never Blame the Rainbow for the Rain" by the Moody Blues
Oh, and of course let's not forget:

"All You Need is Love"

by Mr. Lennon

Is there any other philosophical lyric in a song more concise and to the point than this? I'd like to know if so.

I think when John Lennon wrote this song and title, his destiny as a musical and cultural icon was sealed......
"Jam up and jelly tight
My, my, my baby
Now you're outta sight
Jam up and jelly tight
You look a little naughty
But you're so polite
Jam up and jelly tight
You won't say you will but
There's a chance that you might"

Tommy Roe

Why don't they write'em like this anymore???
"The killer lives inside me: yes, I can feel him move.
Sometimes he's lightly sleeping
in the quiet of his room,
but then his eyes will rise and stare through mine;
he'll speak my words and slice my mind inside.
Yes the killer lives.
Angels live inside me: I can feel them smile...
Their presence strokes
and soothes the tempest in my mind
and their love can heal the wounds
that I have wrought.
They watch me as I go to fall
- well, I know I shall be caught,
while the angels live.

How can I be free?
How can I get help?
Am I really me?
Am I someone else?"

Man Erg - Van Der Graaf Generator