Best new tube amp under $1500?

I just picked up a beautiful pair of Alon II speakers. According to the designer himself (Carl Marchisotto), these really shine with tube amplification. So any recommendations for something new, under $1500, that I can play moderately loud, and can handle the Alon IIs 4 ohm load? Oh, and I'd like the amp to possess as much SS-like dynamics and bass control as possible for the money.

Showing 1 response by mingles

Rogue M-120 can be found in your price range used. 120 watts in ultralinear and 60 watts in triode. Having the triode option would be nice. There's one in the classifieds right now. I have no connection to the seller.

An excellent SS alternative is a Sunfire 300. These things sound amazing and have vast power reserves. They're smooth and non-fatiguing with a subtle warmth. They can handle loads down to 1 ohm. Many folks believe these are Bob Carver's best work. They come up used for around $700-800.

FWIW, I have Alons and switched from tubes to Sunfire.