Best of current 12ax7?

Any recommendations for the best readily available gold pin 12ax7's? Best in terms of sound quality, build quality and endurance.
I know most of the desirable NOS names but for this thread I'm thinking modern reasonably priced candidates.

Showing 6 responses by rja

I'm not looking for the one and only super tube.

Fortunately with the prices of many of the recommendations above it's actually possible to roll a few without going to the poor farm. The great NOS stuff can be difficult to find and expensive, getting more so all the time. I've seen some of the great old 12ax7's approaching $1000 a pair. I have some NOS tubes but was looking for something a bit more down to earth and realistic.
On your recommendations I have ordered a pair of Psvane 12AX7's. May order some other brands mentioned as well, all for the sake of experimentation. Thanks for the responses.
No one mentioned Sophia or EAT 12ax7's. The EAT's are very pricey for a new tube but some reviews I've read rated them highly. Hard to find information on the Sophia's.

One thing for certain, there are a lot of new (non-NOS) 12ax7's currently available although most are probably coming from the same factories but with different names and different quality control standards.
Sorry about that, yes I saw your mention of the Sophias. Can you name a good source for them? Thanks
I see Galen Carol also sells the EAT tubes. HE also sells the RFT tubes which I've never heard of.
Those EAT's cost as much as some very fine NOS tubes.
1. Purchased Psvane 12ax7's.
2. Purchased Sophia 12ax7's.
3. Own a pair of Telefunken smooth long plate 12ax7's.
I will try others. Thanks for suggestions so far.