Best possible separates for Thiel CS 3.7

Hi guys here's another new topic for crazy Thiel enthusiasts like me lol.
My question of the day is if you had a budget of 50K to drop in a pre-power combo to drive a pair of Thiel CS 3.7 what would be your top 3 favorite choices ?Here is what i have in mind at the moment : Ypsilon pre-power monos, KR Audio P135 + Kronzilla DX monos, and Aries Cerat Impera ll Ref + Concero 65 monos.All of these 3 pre-power combos can be purchased in Europe for just under 50K brand new.
Have a good day.

Showing 4 responses by pgastone

Hi thieliste,
I just wanted to chime in as I just started a thread asking for advice for amplification for Thiel 3.7’s- you can see it under pgastone as:
Still looking for an amplifier upgrade- but with a new twist.....

And here’s the twist:
To make a long story short, before I owned the Magcio's I had bought a pair Thiel 3.7's. I got a very good deal on them and took a chance hoping they wouldn't look too imposing in my room and for the overall decor. Unfortunately they did look a bit too outsized which is why I got the much more room friendly Magico's.  After a long time that the Thiel's were just sitting there gathering dust I finally got ready to sell them. But for fun I decided to give them a last run in my system before I boxed them up and listed them. Well, I thought they sounded so good, with improved resolution, body, air and texture than the Magico's, which themselves are really engineering marvels considering what they can do for their size, that I decided to throw caution to the wind and just live with size.

Anyway, I am looking at equipment at a completely different price point than yours- right now I am using an Mcintosh Ma 7000 integrated where I have bypassed the presupposes section with Primaluna Dialogue Premium preamp- just adding this preamp was an enormous jump in quality so now I want to keep on going.   My budget for a new amp is about usd5k but I am starting to consider upgrading pre and amp.

Right now leaning towards a BHK or Aesthetix combination but there are other excellent single choice alternatives like pass 250.8 etc.   But as I explAined in my thread I would really like to try tubes- I think that with the 3.7’s it would be magical but tough to find an alternative with enough power and current and stay within budget- but that is What I would love to try if I had the means.

In the meantime I would be very interested in any thoughts you and the other participants here might have.

Anyway, it is great to meet you and all the other forum members!!
Thanks for your reply Thieliste- I have not had time to look at the following option but I had read how a pair of Doshi Jhor mono's drove Wilson Sasha W/P very nicely.  These last ones have a more benign impedance and phase curve than the Thiel's but even with that you would not think these amplifiers could cope.  So I remain very intrigued by trying tubes for Thiel's.
I have also started looking at Vac (2 phi 200's as mono's) and VTL- I wonder if the signature 200 stereo might actually work.

I just asked the same question on another thread- would Quicksilver V4's make sense for the Thiel's?  Latest version with KT150's produce some 170 watts.

I plan to call Mike Sanders to hear what he thinks as well.
I just spoke to Mike Sanders- it was a pleasure and he in fact discouraged using the V4 with the Thiel 3.7's (which he seemed quite familiar with).  The source impedance of the amp is too high and would not match with the speaker's fairly impedance dips.  

This is something that unsound had been mentioning.

On the other hand he explained that the mono 120's are specifically designed for more difficult loads and should handle the Thiels well.  

One of the problems of course is that this kind of information rarely readily available unless the amplifiers have been reviewed and appropriately tested.

I want to look more into this- very interesting.  I just wonder what kind of output impedance would then be considered a good match- yes obviously the lower the better but that is just a relative comparison. I would like to know about the matching in more absolute terms.