Best SET Compatible Speakers, $4k-6k used

Hi folks,

Starting the second system and will be building it around the speakers. I'm using a sonic frontiers line 3 preamp, with a rega p3/RB300 or CDP. Amps are TBD, targeting the low end of wattage - potentially 45 tubes, so figure less than 10 watts. The room is 12x15, 9' ceilings. I don't plan on deafing the neighbors - I want truly emotional playback with little to no horn coloration and great spatiality. The type of playback that makes your friends jealous!!! Will go with monitors or full range speakers.

Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by herman

Twl is correct, the Lamhorns would be an excellent choice and can be had new for less than $6K with a choice of drivers. I have DX3 in mine. I would have gone with AER but they are 16 ohm only and my amp is 8. I think they come in 8 ohm now but I'm not sure. You will need a good sub to go full range, but most convential multi driver speakers need one too.

You won't get more than a few watts from a 45 amp so speaker choice is critical. I must respectfully disagree with the notion that SET systems limit your choices in music. I can only guess that these folks have never heard a fully realized system. If you can get back issues of Listener magazine there are many reviews of SET amps and compatible speakers.
Yes, I forgot about the Brentworth. I have heard them and they are very good. I assume they are still in business as their website is still active. Worth checking out.