Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?

I am looking for the best possible Standard Def DVD player
that is BLACK. I have a Krell DVD Showcase now and it's
great but I am wondering if there is better to be had for
under $8,000 used.

I would like to hear opinions/comparisons of the video
quality for:

Krell DVD Standard
Linn Unidisk 1.1
Meridian G98
Denon 5910CI


Showing 4 responses by mig007

Dude! Hush up, I'm trying to hustle up some change to buy new stands and cables.
Theater Research speakers . . . do they handle 500 watts per channel, have 8 drivers, and the best vinyl cladding this side of a Payless shoe? I bet their greater than my Martin Logans. About the cable, sorry, I only buy cable from Best Buy.
Tom, Danmyers is taking advantage of your naivety. I own Denons 3930ci and 5900. I will sell you both for $5000. They are the perfect complement to each other -- the 3930ci which basically is the same as the 5910ci, has problems outputting video, but the sacd and dvd audio sound is luscious, and the 5900 has a sdi output and the picture is to die for, but has problems outputting sacd and dvd audio. Please use paypal and I won't charge the 3% tariff.

Otherwise, I have several non-Circuit City dvd players that I can mark up to $7500 and they are used. Such a deal!
Oh, I forgot about the standard def dvd player I bought from a guy right out of his white truck parked with the motor running in a Big Lots parking lot. There's no name on the unit, as the original was partially scraped off. However, I can make out the letters C*lby. Whatever brand that is. I will take a loss at $3999, but that's your gain. Have a Nice Day!