Best Tubed Preamp For A Warm, Rich Sound, Yet Still Detailed and Agile

As the title says, I am looking for an exceptional preamp (obviously tubed) with warmth and liquidity, some of that golden glow, in the midrange and highs. I do not want slowness, or lack of detail, however. My budget is up to $6,000.00, for a used model. 

Based on my research, many of those that might make the list are very rare to find, and other recommendations would be greatly appreciated. 

I agree totally with jjj666. It is extremely difficult or should I say almost impossible to determine an answer to your question without all factors taken into consideration always a concern of mine in these "best of" type threads, too many variables. I agree the amp is going to really be the thing to look at in addressing your query and the preamp should be considered in how it might mate with the amp, just MHO. What you are getting here for the most part is "what is my favorite preamp" cause some of the ones I'm familiar with listed are not what you are asking for.
Hi, Nightfall,
Just because you have $XXXX doesn't mean you need to spend all of it. I would investigate Don Sachs Consulting's 6SN7-based line pre-amp. Don's in Nelson, B.C. His no-frills unit starts at $1800 (US) and is based on Roy Mottram's hugely successful SP-14 line pre-amp, with better parts and 48-step volume control. Add all the bells & whistles, including a remote, even better caps (Mundorf, Dueland & Jupiters) you're looking at about $3,000. I own one and it will be my last. Don is a delight to deal with. Take the $3,000 I've saved you and re-cap your power amp(s) and upgrade the driver tubes.
You may want to take a look at Decware in East Peoria IL. There is a very good website. Steve has an exceptional preamp that is reasonably priced. All hand made with point to point wiring and lifetime warranty although you will probably never need to use it. Also many of his amps have a volume control and are very good without using a preamp. Good luck!
Whitestix - Is the Shuguang Treasure CV-181-Z a direct replacement for the 6SN7 in any circuit that uses that tube (I have a DeHavilland Ultraverve which uses one 6SN7)?

I was speaking with Jeff Wells of Wells Audio, at length, earlier tonight. Turns out that he has two preamps coming out this summer which he said would produce world class sound paired with my existing Wells power amplifier. I think, at this point, I'll probably wait to check those out before I purchase anything else in terms of a preamp. At least barring some miraculous deal on one of those discussed here.

My sincere thanks to everyone for their advice and recommendations, all information is greatly appreciated. I've done a great deal of research based on the input and am well armed for making a preamp decision when I pull the trigger. 
I'd like to respond to jmcgrogan2's post (my computer will not let me cut & paste in this forum). The Cary SLP-05 output impedence, per their published specification is 400 ohms. The input impedenace of my MAC MC 302 is 22k ohms (much less than the "OP's" 50k and certainly less than the manual's 30k), While the MAC's 22k ohms are perhaps less than desirable for ease of "driviing" the amp, the SLP-05 has NO problems at all and I've got more power than I could ever use .... volume levels remain well below the half-way mark on the SLP's volume control pot and that is VERY loud.
Tak1, the concern regarding the rise that I cited in the SLP-05’s output impedance to 3400 ohms at 20 Hz (per Stereophile’s measurements), from considerably lower values at higher frequencies, has nothing to do with volume. That kind of impedance rise at low frequencies, btw, is not at all uncommon among tube preamps, and occurs as a result of the output coupling capacitor which the majority of tube preamps use.  (The impedance of a capacitor rises as frequency decreases). The concern it raises is that in the deep bass region, especially in the bottom octave, some degree of rolloff and/or undesirable phase shifts may occur, if the load impedance is too low.

A rule of thumb that will assure that no such effects occur is to apply a factor of 10 to the 20 Hz output impedance, which in this case would mean a load impedance of 34K or more. That does not mean that a problem would necessarily occur if that criterion is not met (it depends on how the output impedance **varies** as a function of frequency); it means that a problem won’t occur if that criterion is met.

Also, the audibility of any rolloff or phase shifts that might occur will vary among different systems depending on the deep bass extension of the speakers that are being used. And also depending on whether or not a subwoofer is being used.

As I said in my post that John (Jmcgrogan2) referred to, "30K would be somewhat marginal (or worse) for use with several of the preamps that have been suggested." Personally, I prefer to avoid component choices that might be marginal in some way, when good choices are available which don’t have that concern. Also, John makes a good point about the fact that the benefits of the SLP-05’s balanced architecture would not be fully taken advantage of if it is used with an amp providing only unbalanced inputs and having an unbalanced internal signal path.

-- Al

As a last note, and just for reference, I was able to verify that the Wells Immorata's input impedance is actually 50k ohms. 
" Hi, Nightfall,
Just because you have $XXXX doesn't mean you need to spend all of it. I would investigate Don Sachs Consulting's 6SN7-based line pre-amp. Don's in Nelson, B.C. His no-frills unit starts at $1800 (US) and is based on Roy Mottram's hugely successful SP-14 line pre-amp, with better parts and 48-step volume control. Add all the bells & whistles, including a remote, even better caps (Mundorf, Dueland & Jupiters) you're looking at about $3,000. I own one and it will be my last. Don is a delight to deal with. Take the $3,000 I've saved you and re-cap your power amp(s) and upgrade the driver tubes."

Thank for the information on this. First I had ever heard of Don, and what he offers. Both the preamp,and that KT88 amp look lile tremendous bargains, potentially!. I'll keep that in mind for the future

for that price, you get the Coincident Statement Line brand new, with 101D tube which you would want to upgrade to Psvane WE101D. Has it all, except remote.
Sometimes less is truly is more. I still have and sometimes put into use a thirty something year old Audible Illusions Modulus II. I recent had it re-tubed and checked over. It still performs and sounds as wonderful as ever when paired with good equipment and quality recordings. For a couple of months I had it paired with a Ayre V-5 XE Evolution and the sound, on good recordings, was beautiful - very open and detailed without being harsh and was smooth and musical without being overly full of bloom. It just sounded like music. Good music doesn't always have to cost a fortune, but keep in mind if you are planing to run RCA or Balanced. Many of the older Tubed pre-amps did not have a balanced circuit option.
Good luck,

I second the Don Sachs preamps. Also, he is an honorable person to deal with.
CJ ET5 used wonderful will do everything you want and more get one asap!!!!
As far as detail like a SET amplifier a Direct Heated Triode Preamplifier 
Has only 1 stage ,most preamplifiers gave 2-3:stages.
My preamp,,and latest being built use for one parts quality night and day better then 90% of Any commercial units which only 20- 25 % of the cost actually  go 
To the parts . With custom  builds 60% and fir less money's. 
My new preamp has 4 Lundahl  chokes for ultimate filtering and 3 Transformers also Lundahl and Heybourer which are all custom built.all transformer coupled 
Is much more Accurate then any Capacitor coupled. The key for a Exceptional
DHT preamp is the experience.  I compared mine to Coincident loaded with 
Inexpensive capacitors for coupling.  It s 101 tube is good but not as linear
As the 4P1L tube just do a search. It can be a bit microphonic if not isolated properly with mine not an issue,  and power supply only 4pole capacitors
All bypassed by Munforf Silver oil caps. For around  $4k with the excellent 
Khozmo remote control.  Research where uour money is going. I have had  no less then 10 conventional preamps . The only down side is speaker efficiency under 95db, and amplifier again  Radu Tarta  is the well known DHT builder who also 
Built me a a Class A Dual monoblock Pass labs clone with reference grade parts.
 Tunes 409 said:After 45 years in the hobby, without a shadow of a doubt, The Convergent Audio Technology Sl1 series of preamps are the most musical accurate sonically correct products for an all-in-one (phono and linestage) money can buy!!!!
MP-1 Pre-Amp from AtmaSphere.

I have had the Aesthetix older Calypso pre-amp from 2006. Had a nice musical Tube Sound to it. Mind you their are a number of upgrade option for this pre-amp. As much as I loved it I never really missed this pre-amp.

The MP1 does not not really impart a sound of its own. The Dynamics is a lot more better then Aesthetix and the speed and clean delivery of the musical notes is something one has to hear to appreciate it. The transparency and musicality is a league above from all the pre-amps I have gone through.

I just sent my Pre-Amp back to Ralph and already I'm missing it. I also have the MP3 on a second setup.

The issue with this warmer sounding pre-amp is you lose some information and over time you start to crave for more details but balancing both Smooth delivery and transparency so far has been done with the MP-1 Pre-amp better than any other pre-amps I spent money on.

MP-1 to my opinion leaves the MP-3 well behind. the Diffrence is pretty large.
Im comparing a Top of the Line Fully Loaded MP-1 to a MP-3.

I suspect if you got the MP-3 with the upgraded resistor package and the Vcaps throughout with Regulation it would come closer.

I third Don Sachs' preamps! Terrific quality. Tremendous sound.

Don is a great guy to deal with.
I put in my order with Mr. Sachs yesterday, and am looking forward to having one of his preamps in my system.  It will be paired with a Bryston 4B that was reconditioned/ upgraded last fall.