

Responses from deepee99

Best PLace To Buy Chinese Tubes?
Just bumped across this thread. Here's my two bits' worth: Buy your Chinese directly from a Chinese seller of good repute. Most are on Fleabay but I see a few on Amazon, too. Whether PSVane or SG, plan on a 1 in 15-20 either DOA or very short-live... 
Tung Sol 6550 vs. GEC/Genelex/Gold Monarch KT88
@noromance@tvad@lizardzkingI guess we belong to a rather exclusive club. I'm angling for another quad of the GEC Marconis with a guy right now but I fear the days of the $750 NOS quad are over, unless you're willing to take your chances on counter... 
Tung Sol 6550 vs. GEC/Genelex/Gold Monarch KT88
I "lucked" across a brand-new quad of the original GEC MO Gold Monarchs a year ago. I play them every day and they continue to astound. I'm hoping by the time they're worn completely out, the Chinese, who are getting close, will have achieved a si... 
SOS: Andy Bowman - Vintage Tube Services
Andy's alive and well as of a week ago. Bought a nice foursome of GEC KT-88s from him.ONLY call Andy; he never checks his emails. 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
@wspohn I'm kinda the same way. I've got s/s in the man-cave and toobs in the big room. There is a huge variation in the sound of, say, a Bedini s/s amp or an s/s Mac. Ditto with tube amps. My speaks (Tylers) are 90 dB and I listen to damn near an... 
Looking for speaker suggestions
Hate to sound like the proverbial broken record here, but DO investigate Tyler Accoustics in Kentucky. Blows the doors off Vandersteens for one-third the money. 
Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?
Mixing and matching is not a problem UNLESS you're talking about tubes and solid-state. There's a huge impedance difference between a tube pre-amp's output and a sand amp's inputs. It *can* be corrected by re-capping the tube pre-amp but IMHO not ... 
Best used or new DAC under $3500
If you can snag an Aqua La Scala with the Optologic upgrade you'll be in tall cotton. 
New system has fatiguing, harsh high frequency sounds. How to fix?
@lowerdrive, There’s always the $3 Wal-Mart experiment. Buy a pair of white winter socks and hang them over the tweeters, see if that doesn’t smooth things out. Also. I think break-in is only an issue for tube gear. 
Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)
Consider a Bedini. Not made anymore as both John and Gary have passed on, but if you put out some feelers you might snag one. They were all Class A. John was a genius when it came to audio. They run remarkably cool for Class A. If you see a 200/20... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
Get a decent Grado or Ortofon and call it good. 
Best looking reel to reel
The Technics RS-1500 series, especially one rehabbed by J-Corder in Gig Habour, WA. 
Worked Backwards and Would like to Hear Suggestions on Speakers
Tyler Acoustics. Hand-built in Kentucky. Phenomenal sound. He only sells direct. I have Tyler's Highland H-1s and have referred several friends to him and they are as over the moon about the sound as I am. Very efficient so they run well with tube... 
Please help me chose a tube preamp
I  second the Don Sachs DS-2 recommendation. Love mine, and you have a vast selection of options (XLR ins, remote volume control, and caps) to choose from. Start price is around $2k. I have owned many other tube preamps for 10x the price but this ... 
Is it possible to buy a decent tube amplifier in the $2000-3000 range?
Check out these bad boys, a pair of M-125 monoblocks, http://www.tubes4hifi.com/bob.htmScroll down to the bottom for the M-125s. Or yes, as whitestix says, go with one of Don Sach's KT-88 amps. http://www.dsachsconsulting.com/custom%20kt88%20tube%...