Best used amp in the $1500 range

If you had a budget of about $1500 to spend on a used amp, which you you look at? Primarily to be used for the front two channels in a multipurpose system, but music performance in paramount.

Also, not interested in tubes and would like something with decent power.


Showing 4 responses by jack_dotson

I should have provided a better description of what I'm looking for. My current set-up is Naim CD5i Source, Arcam AVP-700 pre-processor, Outlaw model-755 five channel amp, Energy Veritas 2.3i speakers.

I looking to upgrade the main two channels of this system form music. HT is fine, but I think I might do better with a better amp for the main channels?
Gunbei, I'm actually pretty darned happy with the sound I have now. But, having been on the merry go round for many years I'm always asking what if.

I've recently purchased the Naim and Arcam and am totally satisfied with both, and both were an upgrade to what I had. I would like to upgrade my speakers some time in the future, but this is going to be an expensive to get better than what I have now. I heard a pair of Usher's 8571's that I can't get out ot my head.

Therefore, I'm thinking the amp may be my next logical upgrade. The Outlaw's are actually rebadged ATI's and it's a darned good one and an outright bargain for the price I paid. I was in the shcool of thought for many years that say's amplifiers of equal power don't sound much different. I also said this about cables for many years only to find out just recently how wrong I was.

So now I'm going to have to find out just how much difference a good quality two channel amp will make. I figured $1500 used was a good price considering I only gave $1399 for the 755. Not bad for a good five channel amp that will throw out 200wpc rms @ 8 Ohms with all channels driven. Almost doubles as it goes down, but not quite.

I also heard a system that had weight to the piano and horns like I had never heard before, and serious dynamics that hit fast and hard. This was also the same system that I heard the Ushers in. I asked the dealer if it was because of the speakers and he so no, it was the amp. That amp was a Belles 350A. This is what really got me to thinking about an upgrade.

There it is. Please keep the recommendations, comments, discussions going. I'd like to hear your thoughts and recommendations and gather all the info I can before making the plunge.

BTW, by buying used I figure if I make a mistake I wont have to lose too much on the resale.
What's the story on these new digital amp's (Nuforce) I've been reading about. From just reading they sound almost too good to be true. Any of you guys hear thes amps? If so, how do they compare? Do the have the weight of the Class A amp's that you've mentioned?
Thought I'd follow-up with a close out post to this tread. Thanks to all who responded, your inputs are much appreciated.

The Outlaw is gone and although I totally smashed my budget, I bought used Belles 350A Reference.

I'll post my thoughts on this amp after I've had some time with it. I just got it a couple of days ago, but I can tell you already this amp is somethig special.

Thanks again.