Bottlehead DIY pre amps

Any one have experience with these DIY pre amps.
The web site got my interest going but I wonder what they would compare to. I've seen the inside of a Blue Circle pre amp that doesn't look too much different from these. Any comments at all would be valued. Thanks in advance. Cheers Steve.
Foreplay wasn't as easy to put together as I initially thought, but in the end I came out ok and the amp sounds pretty good. It is amazing that the amp works at all, as it caught fire during the assembly. :) Doc B. answered a dozen phone calls during the final troubleshooting stage, and he sent me a replacement tubes free as one of those that came with the kit was noisy. Nice folks you can rely on, though they are getting way too busy lately. Go over to and check out their board.
The foreplay is nice @ $150. Easy to make. Good education if you haven't done stuff like that and great support from the Bottleheads. I have a friend who has one and it does nice job. The people in charge over there (Doc B, Paul Joppa et al) are really nice folks and smart too!

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