Bryston or Classe audio ? what do you think of both?

i am currently planning all my system slowly..
and i've heard bryston and classe only few limited times on poor speakers in audio shops near my place.. ( montreal )
so i couldn't really tell about them
but i've heard only good things!

so i wish to know..what is the difference in sound between both companies?

i know that bryston carries a 20 years warranty wich is a big + whenpurchasing stuff that are that pricey :P

the system that i am building slowly will be used at 90% of the time in stereo to listen to music ( mostly acid jazz classic..some elect )
and the rest of the time for HT using DVD or video games consoles..
so the musicality is really important to me :)

thanks :)
( please keep in mind that i am rather new to all this stuff but i am really a music/great sound lover!! )
The Bryston vs. Classe argument has been going on for as long as I've been frequenting this site. I have never heard Classe, though based on their reviews, I would have to say they make excellent equipment. Bryston, on the other hand, I have listened to. I own a 4B-ST and for the money, I feel it is the best amp out there. You mentioned that price is a concern, and with the Bryston warranty I can think of no better way to protect your equipment. As for sound, it is rather hard to say--Let us know what speakers and pre-amp you are using.
Classe` puts as much effort into the 2 channel aspect of their 5 channel home theater products as their exclusively 2 channel gear. I have heard both, but not extensively. My impressions are that the Classe` is more "musical" , the Bryston being very good quality, but dryer and flatter when compared.
So you live in Canada! That means you can leave your system on all the time. I live in Arizona, I have a summer 2 channel amp, (Jeff Rowland Model 2) & a winter amp (Pass Labs Aleph 3). This is not an unimportant factor. Bryston amps are biased to run quite warm. I have a friend with a (9B?) 5 channel Bryston video amp & it sounds excellent in his system. You'll hear some people say Bryston is "bright" or being more diplomatic, "forward sounding".
In my experience it all adds up & you must view your equipment in the system context.
I have another friend who had a Classe integrated amp, he said it sounded more like Jeff Rowland equipment "laid back" He also had a Krell integrated that had more power than the Classe, but no one who heard it liked it for long-term listening. It just wasn't as "musical" as the Classe.
Post your current or wish list system & I'm sure you'll get help on this site from people who've experienced each component firsthand...
Good Luck!