Bryston or Classe audio ? what do you think of both?

i am currently planning all my system slowly..
and i've heard bryston and classe only few limited times on poor speakers in audio shops near my place.. ( montreal )
so i couldn't really tell about them
but i've heard only good things!

so i wish to know..what is the difference in sound between both companies?

i know that bryston carries a 20 years warranty wich is a big + whenpurchasing stuff that are that pricey :P

the system that i am building slowly will be used at 90% of the time in stereo to listen to music ( mostly acid jazz classic..some elect )
and the rest of the time for HT using DVD or video games consoles..
so the musicality is really important to me :)

thanks :)
( please keep in mind that i am rather new to all this stuff but i am really a music/great sound lover!! )
Classe` puts as much effort into the 2 channel aspect of their 5 channel home theater products as their exclusively 2 channel gear. I have heard both, but not extensively. My impressions are that the Classe` is more "musical" , the Bryston being very good quality, but dryer and flatter when compared.
So you live in Canada! That means you can leave your system on all the time. I live in Arizona, I have a summer 2 channel amp, (Jeff Rowland Model 2) & a winter amp (Pass Labs Aleph 3). This is not an unimportant factor. Bryston amps are biased to run quite warm. I have a friend with a (9B?) 5 channel Bryston video amp & it sounds excellent in his system. You'll hear some people say Bryston is "bright" or being more diplomatic, "forward sounding".
In my experience it all adds up & you must view your equipment in the system context.
I have another friend who had a Classe integrated amp, he said it sounded more like Jeff Rowland equipment "laid back" He also had a Krell integrated that had more power than the Classe, but no one who heard it liked it for long-term listening. It just wasn't as "musical" as the Classe.
Post your current or wish list system & I'm sure you'll get help on this site from people who've experienced each component firsthand...
Good Luck!
I have 7bst's and a B60R now, and I owned a 4B NRB. I'm a big Bryston fan, but I always use a tube preamp with the amps (of course, not with the integrated). I've heard Classe in plenty of stores, and I think their new stuff is the best of theirs that I've heard. Both are great, so you won't go wrong. I think that the previous reader is also right -- Classe is more rolled off and plush. I think of Bryston as more accurate, but drier and flatter are fair words in comparison to the Classe.
Why considered Classe or Bryston? Simaudio is right next door to you and it's best buy for the bucks (IMHO) since I've tried all three. I'm not Canadian BTW.