Buiding listening room from scratch - need advice

I am finally in a position to build a dedicated listening room in a new addition we are building onto our home. It will be in the basement and the room will be about 12' x 18'; not huge but the most space due to some limitations. I plan to hire Rives to consult on the design of the actual space. What I am looking for is recommendations on equipment. This will be a two channel setup with a turntable, cd player and ability to play computer audio. I am looking for a new amplifier, preamp, speakers and interconnects. I will probably have about $25k to $30K to spend on equipment depending on how the rest of the renovation goes. I have listened to a few setups with Moon electronics and B&W and Sonus Faber speakers. I actually preferred the Sonus Fabers over the 802Ds even though they had a $75K stack of equipment powering them versus the Sonus Fabers that had $20K stack. Lastly, I am intrigued by Wilson Audio Sashas and Lamm hybrid amps that I have read about on Audiogon - never heard them. Okay, that is the background, please let me know your thoughts. Thank you in advance!
I built a dedicated music room in my basement and the basement flooded with 2 feet of water a few months after the room was built. I would suggest you be very careful...under ground level is a questionable choice.
Congratulations on a great opportunity.

I agree with Erikminer as paraphrased following: Always start with speakers, and then match the amps to them. Dedicated AC lines are a given if doing things from scratch. Go to RMAF.

If you have some leeway on actual room dimensions make sure you get input from your consultant in order to optimize those.

Take care in selecting your analog source, and make sure it is an excellent performer commensurate with the rest of your equipment. You cannot fix problems here by compensating downstream.

I have the similar sized room, and of course think my system sounds great for the room size, so I think you will be able to have a great sounding system in your room even if it is not as big as you would like.
Thank you all for the information. I will start by choosing speakers and will attend RMAF this year to help. I hope it isn't a $1,000 to enter.
What equipment are you replacing? Why? What will you pay Rives? If you are building a 12 x 18 room - Rives or any other room designer is, in my opinion, of less value to your enjoyment than spending a like amount of money on better equipment options- conditioning, cables, basic room treatments. A room of those dimensions have been "analysed to death" and I'm confident you can find information to guide you. It is not rocket science. A 12 X 18 room is what it is.
Briefly: you have no history here so it can't be referred to.
Advising what is your favorite or most important or most listened to music will help the interested make suggestions. Right now the target is too vague. You need to guide the help. Best wishes.
I currently have an NAD 390DD integrated digital amp, DefTech Mythos ST speakers, a Project 2 Experience turntable and a MacPro running as my music server. Not bad stuff, just very ordinary and I am looking for extraordinary sound out of my new room. Rives will be as little as $1,200 so not too concerned about that cost. I just know it doesn't make sense to put great stuff in a bad room. My current room sounds terrible due to a very low ceiling, openings, windows, fireplace, etc.

I listen to all types of music from NIN to Miles Davis. It just depends on the mood I am in for my selection. I like very clean, accurate music and I do like it LOUD.