

Responses from mmporsche

Anybody Listen Voxativ?
I am not sure what the "piano test" is, but if you are asking if my 9.87 sounds good with piano I would say, "yes". I listen to a wide range of music from classic jazz to industrial and have been very pleased with their broad range. I listen to ma... 
Anybody Listen Voxativ?
I met Holger, founder, of Voxativ at the RMAF 2016. I was looking for speakers since I purchased a Constellation amp and pre-amp after hearing them at RMAF 2015. My plan was to listen to the new, at the time, Raidho D1.1s as the previous speaker w... 
Requesting Advice on Speaker Upgrade
Another nod to the Elac speakers.  Incredible value IMO. 
Best speakers under $500? Fire away!
Another vote for Elac.  They are designed by Andrew Jones, the same person that designs TAD.  They perform well above their weight class.  I have a set of his monitors connected to a NAD 390DD in my office.  Great sounding setup! 
low-level background white noise - Parasound Halo JC-3+
I also have a JC3+ and am running it with a Voxativ integrated and mine is also dead silent.  If your ground is good then you must have an issue with the unit itself????Good luck! 
Up to $4500 burning a hole in my pocket
I would recommend looking at the new Elac Adante speakers designed by audio legend Andrew Jones of TAD fame among others. They are doing some amazing things, especially considering the budget. I heard the lower end speakers at RMAF 2016 and couldn... 
Recommend your best sounding LP's
Thank you all for the continued excellent advice on music. I just ordered up another 6 or so albums last night. While I have 1000+ CDs I haven’t listened to 5 of them since I stood my system up a few months ago. My OPPO 105D just sits there waitin... 
Recommend your best sounding LP's
Wow, excellent recommendations.  What are the best sources to obtain these possibly rare pressings?  I read about green label and other descriptive factors I am not familiar with myself. 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
Table is arriving Wednesday sans cart though @rauliruegas is helping with that piece. I picked up another load of vinyl from my dad’s collection yesterday. Can’t wait to hear it on new table. Having great fun listening to some truly classic music ... 
How do I power my 800D(3)s
Constellation Inspiration Series. All the power you need with a beautiful signature sound. Email me for an in-depth discussion at mmporsche@mac.com 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
After much consideration I purchased a used Artisan Fidelity Lenco.  Lewn,i already have everything except a cart and possibly a better phono stage. Rauliruegas has offered to help me choose an appropriate cart. I expect to receive the table late ... 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
I am looking at a used AF Lenco with an Origin Illustrious arm.  I really enjoyed the sound of the Soundsmith cart at RMAF this year but I am very open to suggestions.  Please and thank you. 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
Almost forgot to mention that we connected my "meager" Parasound JC3+ and it was not a significant downgrade over the Herron.  The Herron had a better soundstage whereas the JC3+ felt a little more constrained, however, it was not horrible.  Likel... 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
@rauliruegas I chose the Voxativ loudspeakers and integrated amp because it was the best combination I heard at the show within my budget, actually triple my budget but how can you put a price on love.They sounded the most natural compared to the ... 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
@hometheaterreview I appreciate your comments about vinyl being dead and the convenience and quality of streaming. I have a very nice PS Audio DAC with a Bridge II and I stream Tidal regularly. I also have a respectable OPPO 105D player. I don’t d...