Buiding listening room from scratch - need advice

I am finally in a position to build a dedicated listening room in a new addition we are building onto our home. It will be in the basement and the room will be about 12' x 18'; not huge but the most space due to some limitations. I plan to hire Rives to consult on the design of the actual space. What I am looking for is recommendations on equipment. This will be a two channel setup with a turntable, cd player and ability to play computer audio. I am looking for a new amplifier, preamp, speakers and interconnects. I will probably have about $25k to $30K to spend on equipment depending on how the rest of the renovation goes. I have listened to a few setups with Moon electronics and B&W and Sonus Faber speakers. I actually preferred the Sonus Fabers over the 802Ds even though they had a $75K stack of equipment powering them versus the Sonus Fabers that had $20K stack. Lastly, I am intrigued by Wilson Audio Sashas and Lamm hybrid amps that I have read about on Audiogon - never heard them. Okay, that is the background, please let me know your thoughts. Thank you in advance!
We are in the early planning stages so I only have my first draft of plans. I was limited by a number of variables and 12x18 was the largest room possible. The floor will be concrete and I may use wall to wall carpet if tests the best choice. I have read about green products and thought that wax a hood step.

I have not broken down the budget for various pieces. I just know I want it to sound great. I may spend $30k or I may go to $50k if necessary. I just bought a 3-day pass to RMAF in October so that will be very helpful in my decisions.

I guess I'll have yo wait until October to make any decisions on equipment.
Some questions and comments in no real order: Where are you located? Have you visited any local (if they exist) dealers? Are you thinking of special construction? What are your expectations and real wants and real needs? As it was stated, a 12 x 18 room is not that much of a challenge, unless you want to use special materials. A basement room with concrete floors and a wall or two will sound different than a living room, etc. Yes, you want to cover the floor or use wood with area rugs. The real risk is over dampening. Larry Borden of DaGoGo built an addition to his home, you may want to ping him.
Re: your room - as a former property manager for many years, I used this home theatre product (Green Glue) in several different commercial and residential applications to deaden the noise coming from one unit to another. It was a very cost effective solution and very simple to use and may just save you some money during construction.

RE: New Gear - Ever since I heard tube gear, I've always preferred it to SS, but the very first time I heard SET (single ended triode) amps, I was completely blown away (hence my a'gon name). It was at an SET show in Philly in the mid 90's which featured about 8 different amps from the top people in the industry that I got to hear amps using 845's, 211's, 300B's and 2A3's and came away concluding that the lowest powered amp (the 2A3 amp) which was also the cheapest, sounded best to me.

Many years later, I got to go to another audio show and on that day was able to compare a low powered SET amp that used interchangeable triode tubes (2A3's, 45's, 10's, 50's & 300B's) to several other push pull tube amps which used KT88's, 6550's, EL34's, EL84's, 6L6's and 6B4Gs and also a couple of digital amp/ tube preamps combos and came away with the same conclusion that in order of preference, I liked the low powered SETs the best followed by a push pull 6B4G & EL84 amp followed closely behind by the digital/tube preamp combo. Once again, the lowest powered amp, the 2-8 watter, followed by the 12 wpc, 18 wpc and 25 wpc amps were the best of the day to me....

After over 30 years in this hobby, low power with high efficiency speakers just sounds best to me after all of that auditioning. YMMV, and I'd be curious to hear your take on things after checking out the RMAF.

Of course, if you do concur with me and like low powered SETs the best, it not only narrows down your choices immensely, you potentially can save a bundle on your audio budget and can take the family on a nice vacation or some nice new jewelry for the misses :)
Enjoy the ride :)
If prior experience with home renovation is any guide I would suggest you wait until the project is done before you do anything. First, unless you have an unlimited supply of money you may end up with a lot less money for gear than you think due to cost overruns. Second, the renovation may take much longer than you think and new products (or deals on used gear) that were not available when you purchased are in view since the renovation took a year longer than you thought. Focus on getting the room design and treatments right and once everything is finished figure out what your budget is and start from there. Just an opinion but one borne out of several home renovation "experiences".