Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
The technology is just a means to the end which is to make good sounding music. What sounds good, or more so best, is always a matter of personal opinion. Different technologies provide a different set (no pun) of tools to achieve ones goals. Teh goals will determine the best way to get there.

I have only heard one SET (i think it was a set, very pricey audio notes as I recall) that sounded perfect to me on a larger scale. That was a six digit system at a show. The large custom horns involved alone were well over 6 digits.

It goes against my engineeering acumen to think that older technology can systematically beat newer technology. Maybe in some cases, but technology moves on beyond just refinements to old solution to radically different ones. Which is better? Who knows? I can only be certain that technology moves forward at light speed as evidenced all around. Is making good sound so much more of a challenge? I do not see it. Its an abstract argument I know but I think a valid one in general.
With the De Capo the AN Kit el34 push pull is most likely a better match. You'd need to compare that to your amp with a suitable speaker and listen. IMO 300b offers superior sound quality vs an el 34 tube.
I wonder how OTL tube amps like Atmasphere for example would do with the Decapos.

One thing about tube amps for sure is that I do not think I have ever heard two that sounded exactly the same, even with the same architecture.
In rebbi's case I think he has to keep the SET and find teh right speakers. After all, he built the amp. Its his personal creation.

The Refs are nice but you can always buy a new pair of good speakers.

Then again this amp is famous by now. You might be able to sell it for a profit to help finance the next phase! :^)