Cables for Merlin VSM-MXe speakers

Hi guys,

Ordered new MXe's and wondered about speaker cable.

Currently have Synergistic Research Signature no.1 (old!) and wondered about new cable.

I know Audience AU24 is recommended but what else is good?



Yes, TG. Not all silver is as you think. Many can vouch for the pairing of TG and Merlins, including me. It is what I currently use.
I agree with TG audio as well, I a have 4-5' of both TG and Golden Ref here. The TG has a bigger stage, better bass soundstaging, more rear hall info,...... on most amps with my Merlins it isn't really that close.

The Golden Ref seems more upfront, with a slightly deeper stage (but less focused rear of stage too vs TG), a little less soundstage height with the Cardas, very similar soundwise/tonality, with the TG being a bit more musical and really bringing 19th and 20th century symphonies home in a big way (see Bob Neill's review on positive feedback it's pretty accurate, just note Bob isn't a big soundstaging guy though). The TG goes better with my older Blue Circle BC2 and Joule amps. but the non-phase inverted lastest Blue Circle amps (with balanced amp output stages ie current on both + and - vs most regular amps having signal on + only with the - being a return only) the non-directionality on Cardas Golden Ref seems to work better. The very directional Tg Audio wires on the latest Blue Circle amps seems a bit more "phasey" as the Black or - return in the Tg audio is as highly directional as the + Red. It is the ONLY amp I have heard where the Cardas Golden Ref Biwire beat the TG - barely (as I am very phase sensitive).
How much money do you want to spend? I'd recommend Stereovox Reference, that is what I'm using with my MX's, although I know that it is not Bobby's favorite. It is a good bit more expensive than the other cables mentioned here, I think. I'd agree with Mattybumpkin that not all silver is created equal.
I agree the Golden Refs are very synergistic with the Merlins (at least with the interconnects and reportedly the speaker cables as well). I am currently using the Synergistic Signature 10 (top copper cable in Synergistic lineup, single run with the Cardas jumpers). These give a very lively sound, very detailed as well, really don't lose much here to the Synergistic Resolution Reference (silver wire). However, I agree that silver cables may not work with the Merlins, all the Synergistic top of the line and the Ridge Street Poiemas were a little cool/analytical in my system.
I have tried both the PAD Venustas and Dominus (still use the Dominus digital cable) interconects in my system, for whatever its worth I prefered the Cardas Golden Ref, just a little more continuous sounding.
Another contender at a relatively low price is the DIY VH Audio CheLa speaker cable, a multi stranded copper cable as Bobby recommends. These are a bit warmer than the Synergistic 10's, mucho detail, organic and rich sounding, I'm still breaking in and evaluating the sound on these.
TG. Glad to hear it works with Merlins. I have Bob's power cords and bybee sucker and have been a big fan. I have the Golden Cross speaker cable and interconnect. Bobby had warned me off of TG in favor of Cardas. Bet TG is more affordable and if it works better, that is great news.

Bob Crump. Great guy. RIP.