Cables for Merlin VSM-MXe speakers

Hi guys,

Ordered new MXe's and wondered about speaker cable.

Currently have Synergistic Research Signature no.1 (old!) and wondered about new cable.

I know Audience AU24 is recommended but what else is good?


I highly recommnend the use of Purist Cables with the Merlin VSMs - particularly the Aqueous Annniversary (although I am pretty sure Dominus would also work well, if you have the $$$). In my system, it outperformed, among others, Cardas Golden Reference by a significant degree.

Yes, TG. Not all silver is as you think. Many can vouch for the pairing of TG and Merlins, including me. It is what I currently use.
I agree with TG audio as well, I a have 4-5' of both TG and Golden Ref here. The TG has a bigger stage, better bass soundstaging, more rear hall info,...... on most amps with my Merlins it isn't really that close.

The Golden Ref seems more upfront, with a slightly deeper stage (but less focused rear of stage too vs TG), a little less soundstage height with the Cardas, very similar soundwise/tonality, with the TG being a bit more musical and really bringing 19th and 20th century symphonies home in a big way (see Bob Neill's review on positive feedback it's pretty accurate, just note Bob isn't a big soundstaging guy though). The TG goes better with my older Blue Circle BC2 and Joule amps. but the non-phase inverted lastest Blue Circle amps (with balanced amp output stages ie current on both + and - vs most regular amps having signal on + only with the - being a return only) the non-directionality on Cardas Golden Ref seems to work better. The very directional Tg Audio wires on the latest Blue Circle amps seems a bit more "phasey" as the Black or - return in the Tg audio is as highly directional as the + Red. It is the ONLY amp I have heard where the Cardas Golden Ref Biwire beat the TG - barely (as I am very phase sensitive).
How much money do you want to spend? I'd recommend Stereovox Reference, that is what I'm using with my MX's, although I know that it is not Bobby's favorite. It is a good bit more expensive than the other cables mentioned here, I think. I'd agree with Mattybumpkin that not all silver is created equal.
I agree the Golden Refs are very synergistic with the Merlins (at least with the interconnects and reportedly the speaker cables as well). I am currently using the Synergistic Signature 10 (top copper cable in Synergistic lineup, single run with the Cardas jumpers). These give a very lively sound, very detailed as well, really don't lose much here to the Synergistic Resolution Reference (silver wire). However, I agree that silver cables may not work with the Merlins, all the Synergistic top of the line and the Ridge Street Poiemas were a little cool/analytical in my system.
I have tried both the PAD Venustas and Dominus (still use the Dominus digital cable) interconects in my system, for whatever its worth I prefered the Cardas Golden Ref, just a little more continuous sounding.
Another contender at a relatively low price is the DIY VH Audio CheLa speaker cable, a multi stranded copper cable as Bobby recommends. These are a bit warmer than the Synergistic 10's, mucho detail, organic and rich sounding, I'm still breaking in and evaluating the sound on these.