Can't get the M2Tech Hiface Drivers to download

Every time I go to the Hiface website and attempt to download the drivers to my Mac the only thing that downloads is the installer package itself, not the actual drivers. Anyone else have a similar problem? Months ago I did this with ease but later fried the unit in a thunderstorm and the Mac stopped recognizing the unit, so now, with the new modified unit from John Kenny I cannot get the Mac to accept the new drivers - only the installation package. I have tried to download the drivers from the Geek website but have not been able to get that portion of their website to come up.

Anyone with similar issues that got resolved?

Showing 2 responses by dweeb4

Hi Puerto,
jkenny here. I get google alerts on certain keywords & it alerted me to this thread.

I didn't know you were having problems with getting the Hiface recognised by the Mac.

Can I suggest that you try the Hiface on another computer to prove that it's OK, preferably a PC but another Mac will do.

Let me know how you get on.

Yes, all good ideas from pettyofficer. Just to explain - what Pete has is a stock Hiface that I modify to provide a clean supply to the on-board clocks via an internal battery inside the new box for the Hiface. This is charged by an external supply.

BTW, Pete (puerto) I have a modification for you when you get it all up & running which will solve the issues of system hangs that seem to only occur on the Mac when the Hiface is turned off. Email me when you get a chance, I don't seem to get any notifications about new posts on here!