Carbon Fiber Brush with Milty Gun?

For those who use these together, which comes first? Does it make most sense to shoot the record with the gun first, and then use the carbon brush?

Thanks again!


Showing 1 response by pryso

Margot, I have two old Zerostats with original boxes/instructions. One is a red gun, the other one white. They have similar instructions. I'll paraphrase -

1. Hold gun about 12" from stationary LP on platter.
2. Visualize equilateral triangle (12, 4, & 8) points.
3. Slowly squeeze trigger for about 2 seconds, then release trigger for about 2 seconds at each of the three points.
4. Then point at the center of the record and squeeze a 4th time, now point away toward the floor while releasing.

Two discussion points are made about this procedure then allowing for easier cleaning with a brush or discwasher. Based upon that I would say zap your record first, then sweep. If the Zerostat functioned properly the static charge on the record will have been reduced allowing easier removal of dirt/dust particles.