Cardas GOlden Reference vs GOlden Cross

I've been upgrading interconnect cables and was curious about the Cardas Golden Reference versus Golden Cross. I have tried Silver Audio Hyacinth and Harmonic Technology ProSIlway II and both were very revealing but not warm enough in the midrange and a little bleached on the top end which put my system out of balance in a tonal sense. I have a Cal Icon MK II, Audio Research LS2 MKII Preamp and Audio Research D-200 solid state amp. They are rather revealing yet solid state and am looking for a neutral cable with the warmth and harmonics of music.

WOuld GOlden Cross pre to power amp and GOlden Reference cd to pre sound like a winning combination? Any other suggestions.


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Showing 1 response by sutts

Yes- nice combo. I use a mix of Golden Cross IC with Golden Hex 5C speaker cables- warm and rich... I have tried GR on front end, and with good results- a bit more res than GC.