Cart suggestions for Avid Acutus

Just wondering what you guys would suggest for an Avid Acutus with SME IV.

I currently have a Lyra Clavis DC (its been retipped!) which is coming to the end of its life!

As things stand at the minute I would describe the overall sound of my system as being a touch smooth and polite.

My experience of modern carts is limited. I like rock music so would like something which is fast dynamic and detailed with a tight and punchy base. Price wise, i was thinking around the price of a Delos, Kleos or Ortofon Cadenza range.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Stanwall the rest of my system is-:

VTL 5.5 Signature pre-amp with phono stage option
Boulder 500AE power amp
Living Voice Avatar OBX speakers

cables are-:
Ayre Signature Tonearm cable
Atlas Asimi interconect
Atlas Mavros Speaker Cables