
My son is trying Vinyl and so I bought him a Pro-Ject Expression II with a Pro-Ject speed box. The guy at music direct said the cart on the unit is garbage and I believe him after looking at it. My question is what would be a good cart for this set up. Carts I have looked at are Dynavector 10x5 and Clearaudio Beta. Are these any good or do you experts have any other suggestions. Also, the carts have to be MM or high output MC. I am not ready to buy him a stand alone Phono Stage.

It has been many years since I have been into Vinyl and my knowledge is very little. Thanks for all your suggestions in advance.
First, realize the implications of the guidance that you are getting from those with a financial stake in your decisions. Cartridges have a much greater dealer markup than electronics or tables. For a dealer, cartridges and accessories are where the cream is. If the table will, most certainly, get upgraded, then the sky is the limit. But, in the hear and now (bad pun intended), a budget table will regress all cartridges to the mean. Maybe that is what is meant by the table being "good enough", rather than optimal. That is not to say that the better cartridge will still not sound somewhat better.
Viridian -

That is very well put. Thanks for all your help on this issue. I know a lot about amps, speakers, cables and digital but nothing about good old vinyl. I wouldn't have had these questions 20 years ago. Thanks again.
I second the Shure M97, this is a cartridge known for it's neutrality. Mounted on a friend's VPI Scout it is a giant killer. Enjoy!
To clarify, a good table and arm is a little more of apriority than the cartridge. A better TT/arm will allow the cartto it's job. As I said before, in your position of possibly upgrading the table, it wouldn't be stupid to put a $500 cart on your table but you would be throwing away half of it's superiority on the existing rig.
Wow... lots of reasonable responses to your question. As an owner of three Pro-Ject tables including the Expression 11 I would say that Viridian's advise is on the mark. The table is a little dark sounding particularly compared to a Rega. I started out with the Audio Technica 440 (which is a little bright) and found it to be synergistically a good match ---the carbon fibre arm has an effective mass of about 9 grams and the fairly compliant 440 matched the relatively low mass of the arm quite well.

Smart move getting the speedbox as that liitle device provides improved speed stability and elevates the performance of this table even further.

If you desire a richer sound but not quite as detailed on top, the Grado Gold (which I own) is the ticket, but it is twice as expensive as the 440. The Grado people in fact make the Pro-Ject K4 and K6 cartridges. Both these are an easy match for a normally aspirated phono stage (i.e MM phono stage). The AT sells for about 90, the Grado about 180. I also own the Shure 97 and The Denon 110 103 and 160 which are great cartridges but seem to work better on other tables such as the Rega which has a heavier arm.

Good luck, have fun, and enjoy the vinyl experience.