Cartridge Break-in at High VTF?

I'd like to know if anyone has knowledge and experience breaking in a new cartridge at a slightly higher vertical tracking force than the manufacturer's normal recommended force. I'm thinking if the cartridge's recommended VTF is 2 grams, then I'd break it in at something like 2.5 g. The way I'm thinking, this would loosen the suspension more in a vertical direction. Assuming I don't put too much force on the cantilever (like 2.5 g vs. 2), is this a good thing or not?
I usually go little high but not as high as your suggesting. If the range is, say 1.8 - 2.2, with 2 being optimal, go for 2.2 at first, bringing down to 2.1 after 50 hours or so, then down to 2 after about 100 hours. Then revisit VTA and go by ear.
Probably not a good idea, but probably harmless if you use 2.05 or 2.1g instead of 2.0. Absolutely not a good idea to use 2.5g, IMO. You want to break it in, set the tracking force as recommended and play records designed for cartridge break-in, e.g., the records marketed by Cardas and others. They really do work, but it does take time.
Hello BI200,

It is a very bad idea to break in a cartridge at a higher VTF than the manufacturer specifies. One maker who contacts me from time to time recommends starting at the lowest suggested setting to see how the cartridge performs, and then working up from there.

I personally wouldn't use a VTF above the manufacturers range. I wouldn't want to damage the suspension...but maybe I'm just being overly cautious.
The Cardas record has cartridge break in tracks designed to excercise a new suspension in both lateral and vertical modes. It's made with locked grooves and a harder than normal vinyl, to withstand extended plays in the same groove. I would use that at the manufacturer's recommended maximum VTF before I'd go 25% above the maximum. One hour on the Cardas tracks is worth several hours of music.

OTOH, I wouldn't bother if the cartridge sounded okay for listening OOTB. I'd just play music and enjoy (and learn from) the changes. Cartridges vary all over the lot in terms of how they sound when new and how quickly or slowly they break in. Hearing them change can be interesting, in a geeky sort of way. ;-)
Put a mini vibrator on the arm near the pivot and that will shake it enough to get it loose. No I don't know where to get one try to google it. oh yah I forgot dont play any records just leave it suspended.
+++ Use normal tracking force & 45 RPM dance singles instead +++

Reading that just brought up this image of Psychic in a bell bottomed leisure suit dancing to 'boogie wonderland' ...
Not a good idea. You could permanently deform the suspension parts which are designed to keep the generating elements within a particular operating position. Unless you went way overboard, the cantilever should hold up, but still, there is no good reason to overstress that as well.

You need to consider that measurements are not all that accurate so you could end up WAY over. I watched the distributor of Allaerte cartridges install a $13,000 cartridge in a friend's rig. He used three different digital scales, all three read differently, with a range of something like .3 grams difference. He averaged the three.

I don't understand the crazy obcession with break in. It will happen in time, and it is not like the music cannot be enjoyed while it is happening. The big changes will happen pretty early, like in the first 20 hours or so.
A Shure DJ cartridge brocure recommended breaking in cartridges by leaving a record on the platter, with the arm lowered and the cartridge in contact with the record, when the turntable was off. This always intrigued me, but I have never tried it. YMMV all over the place.