Cartridge Man MM3 vs. ZYX R100 Fuji FS?

Anyone with firsthand experience with these two?

Any obvious sonic differences besides the MM vs. MC aspect?

I trying to figure out which is likely to have greater mid/low frequency drive and weight. Not bloat, but detailed and articulated bass with ample snap.

Rich midrange is also a plus.

Showing 3 responses by audiofeil

The Music Maker 3, like all cartridges, performs best when matched with the correct tonearm. All things being equal, it works better with unipivots as opposed to fixed bearing tonearms. Lack of bass weight should not be an issue if a suitable tonearm is aligned correctly and the tracking force is precisely adjusted.
Bill Feil
"Beats easily" is of course an opinion only, as this is a subjective matter dependent on personal preferences.

Take comments such as this with a grain of salt; they are not based on facts and therefore carry little weight.
I did not forget.

I offered no opinion, comparison, or endorsement of the product.

Thanks for your interest.