Center Channel for Gershman Acoustics Spector


have a full range speakers of Gershmans spector which are full range speakers...

Currently i have Marantz 6005 and Linn Trikan as center channel.

as my room is small i am only using LCR as my movie setup...

the Center channel sounds horrible you cant make out the whispers in the movie.. i changed the setting to level that my gershmans are -2 and +10 on center...but again i have some hard time listening to it properly...

can some one recomend a good center channel...i was thinking NXT or paradigm...or even vienna acoustics...
are you selling your hypex amps? Please pm me as I have a few questions about them. Thanks.
I've always owned Legacy center ch spkrs. My 1st one was the Monologue back in 96, then I stepped up to the Silver Screen. But that was one big spkr & I bi-amp'd it w/ a pr of Marantz MA-700 mono-blocks. But that was over kill for my place. I sold it here on A-gon. Then last winter I drove to Springfield, IL where I finally met the owner-chief designer Bill D & bought the Cinema HD right off his test bench for $900 cash. I drive it w/ one Marantz MA-700. It's so super clear & dynamic I guess I'm saying to you buy that one. In my opinion, I think anyone considering a ctr ch spkr should give that one a try. Pat