Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.


Showing 50 responses by ozzy

Sorry Brownie I prefer "loom". We all know what it means.

But then again I have been called loom(n)y.

Wow, its been a week since the last posting, just  trying to keep the thread alive.

Has anyone else received Cerious cables recently?

I think what lak means is to make sure whatever way it is connected at the Amp to connect the speaker cables the same way.

In other words. If the + Amp terminal is connected to the blue lead then makes sure the blue lead is connected to the + on the speaker.


Congrats on the purchase. I think I started with the interconnects too. With each addition of the Graphene cables the sounds gets better and better.


Give us a hint as to the other cable and the comparison differences you did find.

Always match the positive (+) markings on the cables with the corresponding positive markings on the (+) amp and speakers.




Can you describe each and how they are different to the Reveals?

I am using balanced cables throughout and the Teo GC cables are only RCA so I'm not sure the change to that cable would be an improvement over a proper balanced connection.



Thank you for your post. I think the Cerious Graphene speaker cables are really great and I believe you will be impressed with them. BYW, I had the Andra 2 speakers for many years.


I wonder what would happen if the XLR Reveal is added to the end of a XLR Cerious Technoligies Graphene XLR interconnect?

Have you ever tried it that way?



I own the Morrow 6 they are nice but know where close to the Cerious Tech's.


I think...the Morrow elite is the Morrow 6 with better connectors.

I tried the yellow Cerious Tech on my PS P-10. I noticed on my 85"Samsung UHD that the picture quality got a little grainy so I put back my HiDiamond P4 on the PS Audio P-10.

Yes, i think the bass does get much better in quality with the Cerious Tech's speaker cables.


I purchased 2 lengths (for bi-wire) that are 4 meters long and if my memory is correct that length cost $1500. So, a 8 footer is probably around $1000, but contact Bob to be sure.


I use a combination of the Cerious Technologies Graphene power cords and the CPT-300. The Cerious Tech cables have a slurry inside that changes the sound quality if relocated until it resettles.

That seems like a long time. The CT always sounded good with my equipment from the start. But, perhaps the first few hundred hours as usual are needed for proper break in.

BYW, due to a system change I have a 2.5 Meter balanced Graphene Extreme for sale here on Audiogon.


Curious about your Cerious.

Are you guys lifting the cables off the floor?

Also I use Stabilant 22 on the connectors ends.


I own both a RCA and XLR Cerious Technologies graphene digital cables.

Best digital cables I have ever tried/owned.


Congrats! You will really like the cables. Once you hear them you will want more...

Yeah Bob does need to update his website. He is still a one man band. His quality is in the finished product not the website.


The backbone conductor is silver coated copper.

Bob, I sent you a question via email.


"Could you please tell me what a "backbone conductor" is?"

As jond posted, "Basically its a silver/copper 8 gauge proprietary alloy (wire) bundled with carbon fiber that’s been impregnated with graphene and liquid ceramic".

The CT speaker cables are quite nice, you should enjoy them.


I hope not! His Graphene cables have only been out for less than a year.



A superior product will always be in demand. And yours is not only a great product but is priced very competitively compared to all the "High End" cable companies.
Hopefully your son will learn a good life lesson in the process.

P.S. I still want to try your power cables someday.



Oh yeah the Cerious Tech cables will greatly impress you.

They are hard to classify, best I can say is the sound just becomes natural, like the way it should. Somehow with other cables you could always tell that they tipped to one type of sound quality or the other. I have owned so many cables including the ones you have mentioned and the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables is far superior. And they won't cost you too much for the adventure..


Have you received your cables yet? Digital cables are sometimes difficult to compare, but, I think you will really like the Graphene cables.


Congrats on your forth coming interconnects. I no longer use a turntable so I can't comment on your question about phono cables.

You guys are lucking to have wife's who participate. My wife has zero interest in my Audio passion, except to complain how much I spend in time and money on it.

However, she does like watching movies on my 85" UHD Samsung with my audio systems running the front channels.


Sorry, but I have never heard the TWL SC?

maxima95, I own the AES CT and as digital cables goes they are very good. 



I am using the CPT 300 and just received the new CPT 1800. I am using them with my all out Cerious Technologies Cables. The CPT provides a different function (balanced power) but, they definitely compliment the Cerious Technologies graphene cables.

Sorry guys no Russian collusion. I did get a discount on my next purchase however. I guess I should have asked for a part of the company...

I really wanted to try the TEO cable but weeks went by without a word. Then I posted that on the TEO thread and the owner sent me back my money. I really did want to try it though, but too bad its not available in a balanced (XLR) configuration.



There is not much info on the cables construction. But, if it sounds good to you that's all that matters. The Cerious cables consist of a silver backbone with carbon fiber, ceramic, and Graphene.

On the subject of cable lifting. I am using 4 meter dual runs (bi-wiring) of the Graphene speaker cables. First, I ran them together (4 runs) and then I cable tied them neatly together. Then I have them placed on porcelain lifters that I have had for years.


Sorry, but I have not heard of therefore I have not tried the Groneberg cable you have mentioned. Could you share some information on the cables construction?

I suppose everything is system dependent. Best I can comment is the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables seem to work well with most equipment.

I also find that using Static Guard spray on the carpet and or on the cables helps.
Its nice to see this thread continue.
The Cerious Technologies Graphene extreme cables really are the best bang for the buck. The speaker cables are as good as any speaker cables regardless of price.
In my humble opinion of course.

I feel that the HF Reveal is a step up from the HF Ultimate series interconnects. Newer design, better sound, cheaper prices.
And yes, I believe there is a synergy with using the HF Reveal interconnects with the CT Speaker cables.
Also, with my CT power cords I am also using HF MC-.05’s at the outlets. Again some pretty good synergy.


Yes, as much as I think the CT interconnects are a fantastic value, I did find the Reveals add more snap to image quality. Especially, if using the CT speaker and power cords.


Yes, all of my power cords are the Cerious Graphene. Even the power cable going into the CPT 1800.

After reading the last few posts about the Nanotech and Furutech wires has peaked my interest. (I am such a tweaker)...

Well I ordered some of the Nanotech 308 wire and the Furutech FI-50 NCF (R) connectors. Unfortunately, the wire and the Furutech connectors are coming from Japan so there's no telling how long its gonna take...



Yes, I ordered the wire from Jaguar but he had to order it from Japan.
The connectors that I will be using are the top of the line Furutech NCF versions.

I have built several power cords using Military grade cables. But this was just working with the Teflon jacketed conductors themselves. This cable will also have the thick heavy jacketed material surrounding the conductors.

And, that is the hard part cutting through the thick PVC jacket just to get down to the conductors without nicking them.

Any experienced words of wisdom from DIY’ers guys out there?



I owned a Audiodharma cable cooker for years. With some cables, break in can be terrible due to sharp, tinny, closed in sound. Thus, making them too tough to listen to until they are broken in.

But your cables sound pretty nice from the start and get better from there.

I really don’t think you need a cable cooker it will add time to get the finished product to the customer. And you know how impatient we are. LOL


Well I just found out that the Nanotec 308 is no longer available from the manufacturer in Japan. It seems there is something wrong with the jacketed material that is used with this cable.

I did however receive my Furutech Fl-50 nano connectors and they look awesome!
Now, I need to install them on something. With the Nanotec 308 out of the picture I'm not sure what to go after.
I wonder how they would perform with the Cerious Technologies power cords?


I have contacted them and many others through out the world . Today, I received an email from War, they said out of stock and they have to order more. If that means from Nanotec it is not currently available.
The factory emailed me this week that the Nanotec 308 will be available in 2-3 months. Other dealers are not too sure. Sounds like version #309 is in the making...


If anyone is interested in a 3 foot Cerious Blue power cord, I have one listed now on Audiogon.


Great description. They really are very good cables. Did you get spades or banana's?