Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.

Although I don't personally know Bob I have emailed with hin and spoke to him on the phone a couplke of times. I believe he might be a one man operation (although I could be wrong). Bob lives and works in Arizona. Why don't you give him a call at this number posted in his website: http://www.cerioustechnologies.com/contact/contact.html
bugredmachine, Yes, he can sometimes be difficult to contact. Try calling him again Monday he may have been out of town.
Bob did eventually return my email. I asked if I could call him and he told me email is best. After purchasing a power cord I quickly decided to make another order and am still waiting for another cord and interconnects. Getting in touch with Bob to place my order was a bit of a hassle but worth it. I've waited seven weeks for a pair of speakers to be built. I love the small boutique companies and American made to boot.

IMO: This thread caused a sudden increase in orders and he's been busy trying to catch up. I have a cable ordered as well.
Guys as stated above Bob is basically a one man operation but don't worry he is utterly reliable and responsive. And indeed it seems this thread has contributed to a, much deserved in my opinion, uptick in order for Bob. Knowing him he will probably chime in here on the subject soon enough.