Cheapest good sounding dvd player?

I want to watch and listen to some concert dvds but my little player produces very poor sound. What do you think is the cheapest available dvd player with better than minimal sound quality.
I do not need any 'features' beyond stereo rca outputs and rca 3-line video outputs.
If you can find a good used Marantz DV8300, DV8400 or DV9500; Denon DV5900,5910 or any in that series these are good sounding and play SACD and DVD-A as well
I asked about the CHEAPEST machine with "better than minimal" sound quality.
I am not seeking "the best cheap unit." I seek the cheapest "good" player.
Even used, OPPO units cost a few bills.

How about this:
What's the best player I can get for under $150.
You can go on Ebay and get a near mint Denon 2910 player (make sure it has the remote) for $100-125. If you want HDMI connections look for a Denon 2930 progressive scan DVD player for $125-150. Check the buyer's feedback and ebay guarantee and watch out for shipping charges over $16.
You can find an Oppo DV-980H used (it's several years old) well in your price range. It sounds great, and has excellent DVD Video quality.

Original Sony Playstation 1 should fit your Bill. Can find em' for 25 bucks, and they sound wonderful.

Check out the many threads here on Audiogon
Richard, here's another vote for Denon 2910. I had one for a number of years. As a matter of fact, I brought it to your house several times. I don't think you were impressed, but you were comparing it to your Jolida which was much more lush and smooth. It's not a bad sounding player. The video quality is excellent and it sounds better than any $125 player should.
Just to clarify... The Denon 2910 has HDMI and it came with a remote as standard, but it's a good idea to make sure the remote is included.
You can get a Pioneer dv-393 second hand for virtually nothing. They sound amazing.
I picked up a Cambridge Audio Azure 540D for $75.00.

The sound is okay. My Meridian G98DH in my main system stomps all over it, but for non-Bluray movies in a second system the 540D is certainly more than adequate.

If $800+ is in your budget, a used G98DH is killer. For about 1/10 the price a CA Azure 540D should meet your needs.
Pioneer Elite DV97Avi; Very nice as a cd player and since most people are going Blue Ray, you can find this for about $200. haven't heard many under $1500 that can beat it now. Also, the Pioneer Elite DV09 is built like a tank and is also very nice and you can get it for $200 also. these are wonder units and were the top of the line. The audio sections are simple impressive. For about $800 you can get the Pioneer Elite BD-09 which you really can't beat for under $2500 even now. this thing has four dacs and is one of the best out there. I use is solely as a cd transport/player. I have the digital output plugged into my Audio Research DAC8 and the audio output directly into my Audio Research REF 3 pre-amp and I can't really hear a difference. It is pretty darn close to the quality of the DAC 8. people I know that sold it did so because it loads quite slowly compared to other Blue Ray players. I couldn't care less about that. I beats every player I compared it against as a cd/blue ray player and as a transport, you would be hard pressed to find a better transport. But, since you were asking about players on the cheap. For the money, (less than $1000) you really can't beat the DV79avi. Pioneer elite seriously overbuilt these units.

I love my Pioneer Elite 59AVI and would 2nd the Elite 79AVi. Both can be had for little $$$ and have the best picture/sound for the price. Happy Listening.