Classification of Benz Micro cartridges

A question for you Benz experts. I am confused by the classification. As I understand it, the Ruby/Ebony L and H, sit just below the LP S as the reference cartridge. Fine so far, then what is the LP? Is it an older version of the LP S or another cartridge sitting at the same level as the Ruby and Ebony?
Before anyone makes the sensible suggestion of contacting the US distributor, I am in the UK and we don't seem to have a supplier I can find. Their website is not helpful on this point. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear David12: I can/could be wrong but anyway this is my experiences about: the Ebony was the very first cartridge that appear ( I owned ), then comes the LP ( Iown ) that looks similar and that in performance is a little better on tonal balance than the Ebony, finally the LP S that I never have the opportunity to hear it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear David: Maybe, I can't be sure, the Ebony and LP were same different cartridges.

Regards and enjoy the music.