CleanerVinyl-Ultrasonic record cleaner

I purchased a Cleanervinyl Pro recently and am very impressed with it! I have used vacuum style cleaners for many years. Last year I purchased a $3000.00 vacuum style record cleaner and thought that was about as good as I was going to get for cleaning records, but I was wrong. The CleanerVinyl Pro system cost me around $600.00, it is far superior to vacuum style cleaners. I took some lp’s that I couldn’t get fully clean with my Vacuum record cleaner and was able to get them clean with the CleanerVinyl system. You can see the crud that collects in the bottom of the machine, and these were already cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner.

Showing 6 responses by pbnaudio

Use this one and a 6 ultra sonic tub - $ 400 and it works brilliantly. I air dry the records.

One gallon distilled water fills to perfect level in the 6L tub - cleans about 30-40 records. Then dump wipe out tank and refill.

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Never got anywhere with it - sold the CD player.  I did see the Amari once at a show in Norway - it is quite large and noisy - well all the Ultra Sonic ones are.  

IMO the absolute best one is the KLAudio - the combo Im using now is 95% of it for 10% the price - unbeatable.

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I've had two of the KL Audio - before there was a Sound dampening option, they were as noisy as a regular ultrasonic tub.  The Silencer case bring it to a cool $6K.  

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The apparatus as you call it has magnet that hold the fixture that holds the 3 (or 4) LP's, you then lower the up's into the tank, the pillar that holds the motor with the magnetic fixture has a telescoping feature and a clamp lock.  The 6 L tank with one gallon distilled water has the perfect fill level i.e all the grooves are submerged in water just before the horizontal arm touches the edge of the tub.     

I typically do batches of LP's so running 3 or 4 batches of LPs and you've cleaned 9-12 albums. After two or three batches I dump the water and wipe out the tank, then fill with a fresh gallon. I run them for 10 minutes, which is 2 clicks on the US bath which has a timed shutoff in 5 min intervals.  I only use distilled water, no additives, the LP's come out super clean.  I let them air dry.

I have not heard any rumors of high-frequency loss using US cleaning - saw a video once,  I think posted by KLAudio,  where they ran an album for hours upon hours then filtered the water through a coffee filter to prove that the machines do not damage the LP's.  I have detected ZERO damage to albums using this method - and if you think about it dragging a diamond stylus through the groove certainly must be a LOT more damaging to the LP than pulsating water.  

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The Vinyl Stack holder has 1" spaces between the LP's.  The reason I recommend the 6L tank is that one gallon, which is the measure its sold by in the local supermarket @ c69 makes the perfect fill level so that the LP's are submerged with all the grooves in the water and not so high it reaches the holder.  

I have owned the AD machine too - I don't like the rollers because they leave an exit mark where they disengage, clearly audible when playing a "cleaned" record

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