Clear Day vs. Triode Wire Labs speaker cables

I've heard great things about both Clear Day Double Shotgun and Triode Wire Labs speaker cables.  Does anyone have any experience comparing the two?  Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by milpai

I second the Clear Day cables recommendation. Amazing cables for the money. No experience with Triode Wire Labs. Best thing to do is ask for home demo and compare the cables. The only thing you might have to pay is the return postage, which should be less than $10. Nothing to loose. Good luck.
Your experience mirrors mine. Somehow I feel ClearDay passes more music through. So I guess it means they pass more current? Whatever it is, they work like charm in my system. I had apprehensions that they would sound bright in my system, being all solid state. On the contrary I find them pretty neutral.
I missed your question earlier. No, I did not try 3 strands. But I did have 2 strands, and the 4 made a noticeable difference for me.
What route did you finally go?

Where did you end up in your cable search?
It is always good to choose whichever cables suit your system. So good for you that you were able to make a decision based on your personal experience. Enjoy your music!