Conrad Johnson amps: premier 12, premier 8,LP275M

I actualy own a pair of CJ premier 12 wich i like very much matched with a Premier 16 LS 2 (preamp).
I am looking for a bit more authorithy and power especialy in the lower octaves...
so my question is how would a pair of CJ Premier 8 will perform in the bottom end compare to the Premier 12?
Also an another choice will be the newer LP 275 M (CJ)?
Any reliabilty issue with this generation?
will the famous house sound (lush) be lost in this newer generation?
i want to stay with the CJ family and my speakers are the (easy to drive) PARSIFAL OVATION by Verity Audio.
Any opinion on that match is welcome!!!
Is 275 WPC will be overkill with these speakers?

Showing 1 response by czbbcl

For more bass authority you may want to consider the new ET250s which is a new hybrid from cj. I think with the premier 8's you will get more of the same. And yes I believe the later cj products have moved closer toward neutrality. The premier 350 ss would be an excellent choice as well. But you appear to be set on sticking with a tube amp. By the way you have a nice set-up. I too have a 16lsII but with a premier 350ss amp driving Thiel 3.6's.
