"Did you do something that caused your PFR to fry or did it do it all by itself?"(Tomcy6)
It happened during a sudden thunderstorm. I didn't see any lightning. I immediately rushed around the house unplugging everything, but got to the PFR too late.
I talked to Ed several times over the 3 months, he was very apologetic about the delay, & gave me a big break on the diagnosis cost. I now have it FS for faceplate or whatever parts still work. Oh yes, diagnosis was: "All digital IC's are blown, not worth repairing".
More than the money lost, I think it's just that I loved that pre-amp so much that's "bumming me out". To add insult to injury, instead of the pr-f & a mf2250, I'm now using temporarily a Krell KAV300i (that I only bought b/c a friend was selling it so cheap).
If only I'd had "that Krell thing", as I refer to it, plugged in that day, instead of the C-J gear.....Oh well....