Conrad Johnson dedicated fansite

If anybody is interested there is a new fansite dedicated solely to Conrad Johnson Onwers. You can find it at Or just google "Conrad Johnson Owners". It's basically a forum discussion site except it's the only one to my knowledge that is exclusive to Conrad Johnson owners Hope this helps.
I have owned quite a few CJ components and never had anything go bad (other than tubes). I wonder what the ultimate issue with bogeybuster49's unit was? I hope the unit is salvageable. Perhaps the control electronics will need to be replaced but hopefully the rest of the unit is functional.
"Did you do something that caused your PFR to fry or did it do it all by itself?"(Tomcy6)

It happened during a sudden thunderstorm. I didn't see any lightning. I immediately rushed around the house unplugging everything, but got to the PFR too late.

I talked to Ed several times over the 3 months, he was very apologetic about the delay, & gave me a big break on the diagnosis cost. I now have it FS for faceplate or whatever parts still work. Oh yes, diagnosis was: "All digital IC's are blown, not worth repairing".

More than the money lost, I think it's just that I loved that pre-amp so much that's "bumming me out". To add insult to injury, instead of the pr-f & a mf2250, I'm now using temporarily a Krell KAV300i (that I only bought b/c a friend was selling it so cheap).

If only I'd had "that Krell thing", as I refer to it, plugged in that day, instead of the C-J gear.....Oh well....
No sooner said than done...

Sorry to hear that there will be no repairs made to the unit. Sometimes when high cost damage is done to a component it's cheaper just to buy a used replacement. PFR's do pop up on audiogon and ebay so if you have your heart set on that particular model I'm sure it will become available.

I had a similar experience with my desire to get the CJ D/A-2b Vacuum-Tube Digital Processor and after a long search I was able to get it at a reasonable price. Moral of the story is, don't give up! :)

...and unplug your equipment when not in use! :)